Fįrşţ Męęţįnğ

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Frisk layed down as they hold back a sob.

Its been days since they set everyone free everyone from the UNDERGROUND, and she missed it.

As they layed down in bed they felt as if they were being watched.

But who?

They turned towards the wall and were inches away from....Chara?!

Frisk nearly screamed if it wasn't for Chara, who covered her mouth quickly and aimed their knife at Frisk's throat.

So much for a first meeting

"Scream and I will slit your throat in half, you hear me?!" Chara hissed.
Frisk noded and Chara slowly took the knife away.

"Greetings, as you already know who I am" Chara smirked "I would like to say Thank You...Frisk"

Frisk was confused "What do you mean THANK YOU!!?"

Chara tilted their head, soon they smiled.
"Well, when you set everyone free I was able to use my full power and become visble or invisble whenever I want"

"Soooo...your saying I did this?"

"Yes, I am"


"Awww, but why!!!We're just starting" Chara said.

Frisk groaned.
How am I suppose to keep this from everyone...mostly Sans!!
"Fine, you can stay as long as you want!You can posseesed me!But listen closely, Chara Dreemurr and listen good!"

Chara came closer to Frisk.


Chara smirked, and bowed. "Deal is seal!"

Soon Chara disappear.

Frisk looked up

What have I got myself into?!

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