Thank You Anahi

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This Has Nothing To Do With The Main Part Of The Story But My Friend Sent This To Me ❤️

oh okay.
and to the person who has their profile picture as "keep calm and hate me cuz im fat" i want you to change your picture right now.
i know that @ times its hard to accept yourself but you only feed into your thoughts by believing that you are fat. and by then your self-esteem drops low enough to where you know your worth less. babes yall aren't "fat" or "ugly" or any of that stuff. and you don't need anyone to tell you mean things for you to finally accept those things. the opinions of what others think of you don't matter. its just you. make sure YOUR happy with YOU for being YOU. and if anyone bullies y'all ignore them. they don't know you. they don't know what your going through. but if only they knew what it was like to be in your position they'd fall in the step. don't cry yourself asleep and lay there hating yourself because you think your not good enough for some boy or for anyone else. lay there and smile and be haply because your alive and healthy. i love you guys so so much. please don't ever harm yourself because if you do your hurting ME. me? yes me. because i care about yall. <3

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