Midnight Ukelele Lessons

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Hey guys ! >0< welcome to my first stevidot/periven one-shot ! So , just to get this clear so you guys dont freak out, im going to be writting them as cats/animals, not humans. (I know it sounds weird but for some reason I just find it more comfortable for the characters to be animals instead of humans, so you guys can use your imagination :)  Anyways,  Enjoy the one-shot !

.:Third Person Veiw:. 

Peridot awoke from a long slumper, her eyes droopy. She got up and climbed out of the box, yawning an stretching. 'Since when did I decide to tkae a nap in a storage box, she began to wonder, but was interupted by the sound of a soft tune flowing on the wind, she tilted her ears to locate the source better and realized it was coming from outside the barn.  

She slightly opened the barn door just enough to peek out and see what the source of the mysterious soft tune was. She realized it was now night,  her eyes adjusted quickly  to the dim light as she started  to make out small figure sitting out side, she listened closely, her ears tilted towards the figure. 

She heard the figure start to hum a familiar tune, she then realised  who it was, it was none other then Steven. The tune he was humming was the tune he said he had wrote for the crystal gems when he was younger. She decided to leave him in peace, but as she started to close the barn door, it squeaked loudly, she stopped, her muscles tensed. 

Steven jumped, turning his head towards the noise. He immediatly relaxed, realised it was just the familiar green gem that had recently joined the crystal gems not long ago. "Peridot !" He yelled out. Peridot's muscles relaxed as she slightly turned around, her snout only showing in the darkness of the barn, "Yes.. Steven...?" She suddently felt a warm feeling flood into her chest,  what was it ?

"Come sit by me !" She heard Steven yell, she hesitated, the. Slowly padded twords the hybrid and sat down. "Arn't the stard beautiful tonight ?" She heard him ask, she tilted her head upwards, looking into the brightly dotted sky, she then nodded slowly, and easily spotted the homeworld galaxy among the thousands of other small balls of light. Her ears purked up as she began to hear him strum a soft tune on his instrument again, she turned her head twords him, tilting it slightly and letting her ears flop over as she listened to the tune. Steven finnaly noticed her staring at her and stopped, "What ?" He questioned. Peridot tilted her head back to its normal position and spoke, " Im just listening to your.. 'song' " She spoke the last few words slowly. 

Steven nodded, then perked his ears up, a new Idea popping into his head. "hey peridot.." He spoke slowly. Peridot turned her head to look at him, "What ?" She questioned. Steven a small smile began to form across his lips. "Do you know how to play the uklele? " He questioned. Peridot tilted her head to the side, clearly confused, "The uke-what what ?" She questioned. Steven chuckled a bit, " Ill take tht as a no" He then spoke again "I can teach you !" He said, a smile finnaly finding a its way onto is face. Peridot sighed, "But its..Dark, how am I suppose to see ?" She grumbled. " You don't need to see" he said.

Peridot then hear the sound of shuffling, after that she heard the sound of footsteps. She jumped as she suddenly heard a voice from behind her, "Stand up" He said. she did as told, and a few seconds later felt to arms wrap around her waist, she felt the warm feeling in her chest again. "now, take hold of the guitar and hold it facing outwards." She heard him say. She tried to do as she was told but ended up holding it upside down. She heard a soft chuckle from behind her, "No no, try holding it like this." She felt hands wrap around hers. He began to guide her hands into the position in which she was holding the ukelele correctly finally

"Ok, lets start with something simple." He said. He began to guide her hands along each string, telling her how to strum them. "Good good, now, try to strum multiple strings to create a song." She suddenly felt his arms leave hers, and the warmness in her chest was gone again. She shook it off and slowly began to strum multiple chords. 

After what felt like and hour of strumming and teaching, Steven plopped down into the grass, an yawned. "Well *yawn* At least thats the basics of what I can teach you-" His words where cut offas he  suddenly drifted to sleep. Peridot watched his sleeping figure for a few minutes before sighing and picking Steven up by the scruff. She made sure to grab the uke- whatever in her tail and began to pad into the barn. she climbed the ladder and set Steven down of the couch and wrapped a nearby blanket around him. She then sat down, the ukelele in her paws as she stared down at it. She began to strum a tune Steven had taught  her before he had fell asleep. She sighed as she strummed the tune. Then finally set the instrument down, and hopped up on the couch next to Steven. She nuzzled into his side as she herself, began to drift off to sleep.

Ahh I hope you guys liked it ! >0< Im sorry it took so long, But I hope you enjoyed ! Make sure to tell me your ideas in the previous chapter ! (( Just so you know, I might just be doing the (most not all ) Stevidot one-shots  with the characters being animals, not humans (just a heads up !)

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