Tatsumaki (OPM) x Reader {NaL} (Last Part)

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No One's POV

It's been a week since you and Tatsumaki did that thing and it's been haunting you... In a good way. Tatsumaki always get creeped out (in a good way) when the memory of your hand between her legs flashes in her mind.

"Tatsumaki, why are you so nervous?" Flashy Flash asked.

"Huh? What?" Tatsumaki asked.

"You've been mumbling undescribeable words while sweating." Flashy Flash said.

"Oh, that. It's nothing." Tatsumaki said and took out an enemy.

[ At The Apartment: 2 Hours Later ]

Tatsumaki came back, seeing you asleep, she smiled and layed beside you, lacing her arms around your waist.

"Baby, are you awake?" Tatsumaki asked.

"Yeah... Just now." You said and turned to Tatsumaki, enjoying her embrace.

"Listen, i know this is soooo sudden but i love you. Please go out with me." Tatsumaki said with a tomato face.

"I was wondering when are you gonna ask that ^^! I love you too. And of course i'll be your girlfriend." You said with a smile.

"Thank you. Now let's sleep. I'm tired from all the work." Tatsumaki said and closed her eyes. You nodded and closed your eyes until you both fall asleep in each other's warm embrace 😍

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