Two Opposite World (Song Jihyo x EXO Sehun)

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I woke up at 5a.m daily, preparing myself for morning exercise. It's my routine. I live alone in this big apartment. Yeah. It's boring. Well, I kind of got used to it already. My parents are always busy with their business and whatever. Me? I don't give a damn about their good business. I tend to shut myself out when it comes to their business and my family. Well, they already have my brother, Luhan, to take care of their business. I rarely talk to people. I never smile. Why? Coz I never find a reason to smile. To me, kids are annoying. They're so noisy. Animals? Nah. I hate them. They're furry and I'm allergic to them. Toys? That's for kids. I'm a grown up already.

But there is one thing that always caught my attention.

A girl.

I don't know her name, but I see her every day, when I do my morning exercise. And that is the real reason why I wake up early in the morning. I wouldn't say that she's the prettiest girl I've ever met but the way her smile makes my heart skip a beat. I've never seen her without a smile. But, there's something weird about her. She never talks. She likes to help people and smile to others around her, but I never heard her voice. Whenever people thanked her, she would just smile. And her smiley eyes, ah! It kills me slowly yet it is so sweet. Ah, right! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Oh Sehun.

And this is the story of two opposite worlds.

I wait for her, like always, in front of my house with my sports outfit. Normally, she will come across my house while jogging. Well, of course she doesn't know that I have waited for her all this time. Some girls passing by keep glancing at me. Urghh, they really can't get enough with my good-looking face. Sometimes, I wish that I was not born with this extremely handsome face. I'm not the type to have fun with girls around me. So, about me. What do I do? I'm still studying. I am currently studying mechanical engineering at KAIST. So does she. I have few of the same classes as her, so I can constantly meet her. If people found out that I was a major stalker, I would've screwed. I've been stalking her for like 3 years. Yeah. I know it's so long that I could have been categorized as obsessed. But I don't care. Everything she does makes me smile, for real. Oh! Here she is. I fix my outfit and start to jog slowly as she passes by me. She has a white sports outfit with her hair tied in a high ponytail. Oh god, she looks so sexy but innocent at the same time. God what is wrong with me!

She keeps running at a slow pace until we reach the park. There are not many people at this time since it's too early. She sits down on a bench and gulped down her drinks, which she just bought just now. I sit down at a bench, the same row where she was seated, not too far from her. I slip my hand into my pocket to take out my wallet but I couldn't find it. Crap. I forgot to bring my wallet. Just nice. I didn't even get to eat my dinner last night as I was so busy with my assignment. Screw my lecturer for leaving me lots of assignments! This is just nice! My stomach starts to hurt. I had gastric. A major one. I can't even skip one meal a day or if not, I'm going to be warded. I clutch my stomach with my hands as the gastric juice starts to fill my empty stomach. Oh god, please don't make me sick in front of her. I glance at her, just to try to make sure that she isn't looking at me, but to my shock, she is looking at me, with a concerned look on her face.

I quickly turn my face from her. Oh god! No no no no no. She can't see me in this way! Oh god what should I do? What should I do? I get up from my seat slowly and try to walk to my apartment, but hell, just why don't my feet want to cooperate with me this time! I am much slower than a snail. I started to feel dizzy from this painful stomach ache. I can feel like my head is spinning around but out of the blue, someone catches me just in time. I shift my face to see who's the person is and I freeze to see that it was her. She holds my arm tightly, and her other hand holds my back, giving support to me. She smiles at me, so sweet, as like she's giving comfort to me, like everything is just fine. I smile back to her, sincerely, well this is the first time I have ever smile to another person, before I completely passed out.

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