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I curled into a ball against the wall and wailed.

"A prostitute! A fucking prostitute! Did I really look like I was looking for some sleazy fun?! I can't be that desperate!" I moaned.

A sudden knock at the door. A husky voice whined. "Janis I think I left my watch-" 

"Go away!" I gasped. 

He sighed, "It's really expensive it was a Christmas present."

I stood up and looked through the peephole at the half clothed man and glared at his naked wrist. I didn't make a sound.

"I can see the light flickering through the peephole I know you're there" he grumbled like a four year old.

I stomped back to the bed and threw myself down, his shiny gold watch lacing itself through my fingers.

"If you ever intend on giving it back, call this number. He's my manager. And he doesn't take too kindly to people who don't pay our fees much less people who harass his employees."

I glanced over at the door where a thin piece of paper sat on the polyester carpet. I vigorously shut my eyes and tried to forget this horrid experience. 

Everything felt misty, but I could see through the haze, a kid playing at the kitchen table; a little girl, curly hair with light blue eyes. There were all these made up memories of her, rushing back. I held her in the hospital smiling warmly. I fed her baby food. I taught her to walk. I taught her to call my name; "Mama." 

Who was she? She couldn't be mine. A thick voice called out, "Honey, I'm home!" , trying to be comedic. 

"Daddy!" The girl lept up and ran to the tall slender figure, holding him close. Harry walked in and smiled warmly at me. 

"Well if it isn't my two favorite women." He set down his brief case and began to embrace me, but I pushed him away, confused.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" He looked concerned.

"Nothing it's just I-"

There was knocking. I turned over to look at the alarm clock. It was almost noon. My head pounded. The knocking became louder. 

"Open up, this is the police department!"

I screeched internally. What's going on? Why are the police here? Last night came flowing back to me. Crap. I was half naked and the police were at my door.

"We're not going to hurt you Miss, we just have a few questions," they rumbled.

I ran to the door forgetting a shirt. I threw the thing open and the police officer stopped yelling, took out his note pad, took a glance at my unclothed torso covered by my intertwining arms to hide my pertruding midsection. I could only imagine how awful my makeup from last night looked as it was mixed with tears and vodka. 

"Um, goodmorning Miss" he barked firmly with an unsure undertone. "We've received reports that there was someone of the um-"

"Prostitute" I grouced.

"I was going to say "escort" variety, but yes. Someone of that stature in this room."

"Yes there was." I grouched.

"M'am, you know it's illegal to pay for sex, especially from strangers."

"I know. I didn't pay. I kicked him out once I found out he was a prostitute."

"You didn't know?"

"Don't dwell on it."

He looked a tad thrown back, but continued, "Do you have any contact information for this said "escort"?"

I looked down at the ruffled up carpet to find the thin piece of paper with the pimps phone number on it. I lifted my foot to find it stuck to the bottom with sweat. I peeled it off and handed it to the officer.

"Thanks for your cooperation, mam."

I closed the door and went to bed. 

Good luck, you curly haired freak. You're gonna need it.

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