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The house was cozy and warm, the two men cuddled up on the creamy white couch were a testament to that. Watching a film they leaned on each other sleepily, the shorter of the two looking well on his way to passing out despite it still being rather early in the night for two grown men.

After the film had finished Francis(the taller man) got up to turn off the TV, when he looked back Arthur(the shorter man) was out cold on the couch "the film wasn't that boring" Francis muttered as he picked Arthur up and carried him to their shared bed, bridal style and all.

"What are you doing, you git" Arthur mumbled when Francis tripped and almost, almost, dropped Arthur.

"Sorry, mon amour (my dear ), I was just carrying you to bed" Francis said with a smile.

"Well you can put me down now, I'm awake"

"But I wanted to carry you" Francis pleaded with his best impression of a kicked puppy.

"Fine, just put me on the floor when we reach the room" Arthur said giving up. Francis continued on up the stair. As per Arthur's request, Francis let him down as soon as they reached the room. He walked in, threw his shoes off and collapsed on the bed. Arthur followed soon enough and lay down next to him, pulling the covers up to his neck to keep warm.

"Bonne nuit (good night), Arthur" Francis said as he wrapped his arms around the shorter blonde.

"Good night, Francis" Arthur replied sleepily as he slowly drifted off.

AN: so how was it?
Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

I check the translation with google translate so tell me if somethings wrong with it.
Short chapter but they should get longer.

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