When Advantage Comes in Handy

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Chapter 2
Amy's POV
Keep running keep running. If you want to live just keep running. I ran until my lungs burned but that wasn't enough. Kim, Jacob, and Tommy caught up to me. Kim tackled me and I scraped my knee. "Die you little bitch!" He yelled. I screamed out, I couldn't fight back I was so hungry and weak. They beat me and I couldn't even stand. But then it stopped I looked up to see a hasel colored wolf fighting them and within minutes she was running with them running after her. I decided that it wasn't safe on the ground with me all bloody and bruised. I climbed a tree near by with the last of my energy. I just wanted to sleep, but then I heard a voice. "Hey." I looked up and saw a beautiful girl in front of me she had dark green eyes and dark brown skin and hair. "Don't worry those bad wolves are gone now." She said so kindly. "Are they dead?" I asked still afraid that they would come back for me. "Yes they are dead." I relaxed a bit but there was still more of them. We both climbed down from the tree and I saw that she was naked. She probably doesn't have clothes. "Where is your pack honey?" I felt very sad when she asked me that, I missed my home, family, and friends. "I don't know, those wolves took me so long ago from my pack." I started to cry cause I missed home so much. I told her how I was just walking around the territory then they took me, no body knew I was gone until it was too late. "Don't worry I'll help you find your pack." This made me feel so happy.
This was the first bit of kindness anyone has offered me in awhile. We found a tree and she told me to get some rest. And when I woke she had a baby deer in her mouth. I waited until she told me it was ok to eat. I didn't forget the manners my mom taught me. Always wait your turn.
She signaled that I could and I
immediately dug in I was so hungry I didn't care that it was raw. With me being wolf my stomach can digest raw foods. I usually ate regular human foods at the pack house though. She said that we should probably move cause other predators could smell this and she didn't feel like fighting with a full stomach. I laughed at this cause she patted her full belly.
I found that her name was Rain and I told her my name and that my pack' s name was the Ice Moon pack. We continued to walk when she said that she is going to have to know where I was being held at by the rogues. I suddenly started shaking I didn't want to go back there, but I had to be strong and I led her in the direction from where I was running away from.
When we got to the large cabin I held my breath, all the memories of this place was coming back to me. I showed her where I was first brought to at the cabin.
She told me that, that direction was east, so we would walk east until we found anything.
It was begaining to get dark again and Rain decided that it would be best to stop for the night until the morning. I rested and Rain ran off into the night to get food. Something seemed different about her, I've sensed her wolf but she doesn't seem to be all wolf. Whatever I should be thankful, she saved my life. It doesn't matter if she's different. She came back in human form with two mice, and she handed me one.
We soon fell asleep and I woke up early in the morning with a dry throat. I shook Rain awake. "I'm thirsty." "Shhh do you hear that." There was silence, I didn't hear anything. But then I saw them in the distance. It was Mike and Joseph. They must have followed our scent here. I started to shake. "Hey!" Rain yelled at me. "Toughen up your shaking is not going to help us. (I stopped shaking and they were almost here) Amy if you want to get of this alive you gotta trust me ok." I nodded my head we jumped down the tree and Rain shifted into her hasel wolf. She signaled for me to go on her and before I was total on she started to run. Mike and Joseph were hot on Rain's heels but she seemed to know what she was doing. But soon I realized that were heading towards the cliffs. I was getting very worried. "Rain. (No response) Rain! (No response) RAIN!." I screamed as we jumped off the cliffs. As we were falling I saw that Rain wasn't under me anymore. In mid air she shifted from her wolf to a owl. She flew at high speeds to the ground landed roughly than shifted to human form and before I hit the ground, I landed on top of her. We both fell roughly with Rain as my cushion.
"Ugh." We both got up groaning. I looked towards the top of the cliffs to see just Mike standing there, then I looked down to see Joshua's dead body. I gasped, he fell. I should be feeling happy. He
raped and tortured me, but I just felt sick and empty. Rain picked me up bridal style and carried me deeper into the forest. Once we found a good enough tree I blurted out, "Your a shifter!" I was shocked. They're wasn't many shifters in North America and especially in Oregon. They are mainly more in the east or down south in south America. "Ya, let's go find a stream clean up cause I think I'm bleeding a little at the back of my head." I looked and she was in fact bleeding badly. We eventually found a small stream, rain was breathing roughly and staggering so I jumped down from her arms and held her hand. I washed my face and I rinsed her head. "I can rip some of my dress to put on your head." I said. "Thank you so much but I don't want to get it infected, I'm sorry." She said as nicely as she could. But she was right my thin night dress was filthy. "No its alright it is pretty dirty." We were both pretty dirty. Since Rain didn't own any clothes she carefully walked into the stream careful to avoid any rocks. Lots of dirt came off and I decided to join. We splashed each other while laughing.
We dried off than Rain said to rest at the tree while she went to hunt. I waited for an hour or two than almost worried that something had happen to her. I jumped down the tree a walked around. I found a large meadow full of butterflies. This seems familiar. I looked around and saw a huge cherry tree. Oh my gosh! This is the meadow mom took me to! Everything is exactly as I remembered it. So that means home is this way. We are so close!
I ran back to the tree to tell Rain the good news but than out of nowhere a hand fell onto my mouth I struggled to get free. I grabbed their hand and bite it as hard as I could. The man yelled out in pain. I ran and ran. Rain had just come back in wolf form with a few birds in her mouth. "There is a man that tried to take me!" I yelled to her. She immediately got in front of me and tackled the man but he didn't shift and I could smell that he was a werewolf. Rain scratched at his head causing him to started bleeding. And that's when he shifted. His wolf was grey with white spots. And he tackled Rain to the ground and put all his weight on her. She couldn't get up. She struggled and she started scratching at his back. Than she got her jaws on one of his ears and she bit it clean off. He jumped off in pain. But than more wolves came. Three of them surrounded her. She quickly stood in front of me and I saw that her leg was bleeding. They were slowly stalking towards us. Than I huge wolf came he was dark grey and I could easily sense that he was a Alpha and also my dad. "Pa!" I yelled at in excitement. He looked directly into my eyes and I saw those loving eyes of his. But then they quickly turned into pure hatred. And he looked at Rain then he attacked. Rain was more of a good fighter than I realized. She dodged all of Pa' s attacks. The others wolves pushed me away from the fight. "NO NO don't kill her PA she saved me! Pa! Don't!" He stopped and looked at me and so did rain. She looked sad. She lowered her head in a sign of submission. But Pa wanted more. So he growled for her to lay down, but she refused. So he bit at her legs and and she slowly layed down. It hurt to see her like this. Rain shifted into human form. The other wolves also shifted into human form and took Rain away. And Pa signaled for me to ride on his back. We rode for a few minutes than arrived to the pack house. Home. My mom and brother came running out. "My baby my sweet baby!" My mom exclaimed. She hugged me and my brother picked me up but he didn't look happy. He was probably smelling the other men that abused me. He eyes turned black and he yelled out in anger. And stormed in the house. "Come honey let's get you cleaned up." I walked into my room but for some reason I didn't feel safe. I wanted Rain back. Rain saved me, and now it was my turn to save her.
Hey peeples thanks for reading my story the images above are of the stream Rain and Amy were playing in and the meadow Amy found. :) Please if you have any questions do ask I will try to read all comments.

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