Doesn't Feel Real Yet

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"Nicole....I really don't know what to say about that." Harry said.

Everything was happening to

fast. My parents are officially gone, my house is gone, my love is gone... and doesn't want me back, after all that happened. But still I didn't stop loving Harry. I will never hate him.

"But..." I started to say.

"Nicole. I'm here for you, but I'm still not ready to get into the relationship again." Harry said. I wanted to cry, but I was in so much awe, This was all happening too fast, and it hasn't all sunken in yet. It all felt like a dream. Just didn't feel real yet.

"I understand, Harry." I said. I started to walk away. I wanted to walk away and just forget it all.

"Look, Nicole, I still want to be around, and I want you to still be in my life, it's just I don't want to be in a relationship for a while. Maybe in a bit we can be together again, it's just not right now." Harry said. "I still have feelings for you, but there's something going on... and I just can't do a relationship."

That kind of made me feel better but still, knowing that something was bothering Harry. "Is everything all right?" I asked.

"Nick, don't worry about me right now. I need to be here for you. I'll explain later."

"Thanks Harry." I said looking into those green eyes. I'm glad we'll be friends and he'll be with me a lot, but still it won't feel the same. No more hand holding, cuddling, small kisses. They will not exist anymore.

"Sure Babe. "He said still, even though we weren't together. But it still made me smile.

"So how'd you find my aunt and uncle's house?" I asked.

"Well, I asked all around, because when I heard what happened, I had to see you." Harry said.

"Really?Thanks."I said. I never thought Harry was going to talk to me again since we broke up. After all this was the first time he talked to me since my parents' death.

Since my parents death, I was shipped off with my Aunt Debby and Uncle Ben. I wasn't a fan of my aunt for several reasons. One, she always puts in her 2 cents. Two, she's very picky. But I have to admit, when she has nothing to pick on and she's satisfied, she's very nice and very comforting. Since she was here, I was guessing she's probably going to be my guardian. Since Aunt Debby is my aunt, of corse I love her, but I really didn't think living with her would be a good idea, I had a feeling we will disagree sometimes, but I guess Uncle Ben would be there to back me up. Uncle Ben and I are really close. He's a calm guy, and nothing bothers him. So hopefully it'll work out in time.

Suddenly Harry got a call from someone and he had to go.

"I'll call you tonight." Harry said running off towards home.

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