{4} New Arrivals

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Brynjar heard the horns blow, meaning someone was approaching the shores of Kattegat. He stopped and quickly ran up a hill to get a better view. Hakon was right behind him as they watched the new load of ships pull into the harbor. Brynjar turned to his friend and they shared a smile of excitement.

They quickly rushed down to get a better look of the new warriors joining the raid. They reached the beach with big smiles on their faces as the men and women stepped off their ships and walked towards King Björn who waited by the docks for them. His large, muscular arms extended out to another man with red hair and beard.

Behind the man was another young man and a girl around Brynjar and Hakon's age. They followed the man and Björn into his house. Brynjar's smile faded once they were inside. He rushed back home with Hakon behind him.

"Mother! There are some new ships at the beach!" Siggy looked up at her son and his friend as they barged in breathing heavily.

"I know . . your grandfather told me he was going to have some allies join him."

"Who are they then?" Hakon asked eagerly.

"Earl Gael (GAH-ehl), from Andakilsa" Siggy replied as she gutted a fish. Brynjar turned to Hakon with a perplexed look. Hakon nudged his friend closer to Siggy. Brynjar turned around and gave him a stern expression. He cleared his throat and approached his mother.

"Mother? May I go on the raid with grandfather?" Siggy slammed the knife into the table and held onto the edges, as if they were the only things holding her up. "Mother! What's wrong? Are you alright?"

Siggy shook her head and took a seat at the table. Brynjar tried to help his mother but she only pushed him away. Hakon remained where he was, dumbfounded and concerned at what just happened. Siggy looked up at her son who had a worried look on his face, he was so young and so handsome. He was her first born child and she didn't want him to leave. She couldn't bare to see him get hurt or even killed.

Flashbacks started to replay in her mind of her son being whipped. He was so young and innocent, yet he still was marked for trying to protect her. However, that didn't stop her son from growing up strong and healthy. He looked so much like his father but she saw herself in his attitude and training. He pushed himself everyday and never gave up. Brynjar knelt down to look his mother in the eyes. "Mother?"

Siggy looked up and her eyes stared straight in Brynjar's. "I feared you would ask me that someday . . . I can't watch you leave and I can't bear to hear you've been harmed or killed. You are not going on the raid . . it's more dangerous and risky than the ones I've been on."

Brynjar stood up and turned away. Siggy noticed his fingers curled into fists and his skin turn white. She stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I am not going to lose my son."

Brynjar pushed his mother's hand away and stormed out of the house. Hakon remained where he was and looked up at his aunt. She turned to see him giving her a disappointed look. Before she could say anything he left and chased after his friend. Siggy turned away and slammed her fist on the table.

. . . .

Brynjar sat on the edge of the dock and looked up at the many ships that were tied to the shores of Kattegat. He looked up when he heard the shriek of an eagle, flying above him. He watched the creature as it flew above his village with pride and confidence. Brynjar sighed and began to swing his legs as they hung over the dock. Hakon took a seat next to him and stared at his friend until he noticed him.

"I'm going" Brynjar stated.

"Going where?" Hakon asked.

"Raiding. I'm going whether my mother wants me to or not. I'm tired of waiting, this is my chance." Hakon didn't react to his friends decision.

"What if you asked your mother to come with you? She can be with you and see how you've improved since we were kids."

Brynjar turned to look at his friend and shook his head. He wished he could go raiding with his mother, the people of Kattegat looked up to her and always told him stories of the extraordinary things Siggy did. Even Embla told his the story of how his mother saved her life and then they became friends. Brynjar also remember hearing Embla tell of how his father rescued his mother, he loved his parents and dreamed of being as amazing as his parents.

He wanted to show his parents that he was definitely their son and that his skills and strength proved it. Brynjar looked away from his friend and kept thinking of leaving on one of these ships.

Hakon patted Brynjar on the back. "You're not going to tell your parents are you?" Brynjar shook his head.

"Tell them what?" Brynjar and Hakon turned around and saw their sisters, Oydis and Borghild, standing behind them.

"Nothing of your concern" Brynjar snapped.

Oydis rolled her eyes and walked away, Borghild raised an eyebrow at them and then followed Oydis. They hiked through the woods until they came to a waterfall with a small pool at the bottom. Oydis took a seat on a rock and Borghild sat down next to her. They both stared at the waterfall as it fell between the large rocks at the top of the hill.

Oydis arose from her spot and walked a little closer to the water. She looked down and stared at her reflection in the water. Her dirty blonde hair fell on the sides of her face and lowered her head. She heard what her brother and Hakon were talking about and wasn't the kind of sister to tell on him. However, she loved him and didn't want her big brother getting hurt.

Oydis notice Borghild stand behind her in the water's reflection. "I know what you're thinking." Borghild said to Oydis.

She turned around and faced her friend "what am I thinking then?"

"You're planning to sneak on the raid with your brother."

"Are you going to stop me?"

"No" Oydis puzzled at her friend. "I'm coming with you."

. . . .

Eira hid behind some bushes as she overheard her older sister and friend talk. When she heard her sister say she was going with Oydis to sneak onto the raid, Eira quickly covered her mouth to stop the gasp she was afraid they would hear. Eira quietly snuck away and headed back home to tell her parents. She stopped in her tracks and thought about what she had overheard.

Are they really going to do it? Eira's hands began to shake as thoughts of what would happen if she told her parents and if she didn't. She was starting to doubt they would actually sneak onto a raid, but on the other hand she knew what kind of trouble her siblings have gotten into.

Eira continued her way home, however, when she entered she found her father gathering the weapons in their home and her aunt Siggy and uncle Leif standing in her house. They all turned to look at her, Eira gave a small smile and walked to her room. She closed the door behind her and started breathing heavily. "I can't. I just can't. Why am I so weak?" she whispered to herself.

A/N: hey guys sorry if the chapters seem so short, I've been kind of busy and haven't been able to post much. Hope you all like the story so far, trust me there is a lot more coming! Also on 2/18/16 the premiere of season 4 of Vikings will be on! I'm so excited! Anyway have a good one and if you have an idea for my story or something you want to read about a certain character PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO COMMENT OR MESSAGE ME!!

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