My Pillows

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"C'mon, Ty. Let's go to bed." David said from beside me.

David has been my boyfriend for about three years, and we just currently moved in together. He has beautiful raven hair that goes just below his ear. His eyes, oh my God, his eyes are the most beautiful orbs of gray I've ever seen in my life. David is the best boyfriend ever, and my friends have been giving me hints about him popping the question soon.

"Tyler." David said, his voice popping me out of my thoughts.

"David." I smiled at him.

He smiled back and started to lean in.

Just when his lips were about to touch mine, knocking sounded at the front door of the apartment. In walked a girl with dark brown hair, and brown eyes. She stared at us for a couple of minutes, then just randomly screamed, "COOKIES!" and walked out the door, closing it behind her.

David and I turned to each other, then burst out laughing.

"What the hell just happened?!" I asked through my fits of laughter.

"I don't even know!" He replied.

We laughed for a couple more minutes before our laughter died down, and when it did, David and I stared at each other for a while. He leaned in, and pressed his lips to mine.

He ran his fingers through my long blonde hair, and down my back, sending shivers through my body.

When we were both breathless from the kiss we pulled apart.

"I love you." I breathed.

David smiled, then kissed my lips once more. "I love you too, Ty. So much."

I gave him a big grin, and stood up from our mint green couch. "Ready for bed?" I held my hand out, and he grabbed it without question. He pulled me close to him, and whispered in my ear, "Only if you're there."

I winked at David, and pulled him to our bedroom. It was decked out in dark blue. Tan carpeting. Dark blue walls, bedding, pillows, and more. I changed into my boy shorts and one of Davids old t shirts, and hopped onto my side of the bed, which is dominated by my five pillows.

"I still don't understand why you have so many pillows..." David said, walking into our room in only a pair of black boxers, and a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.

"I like pillows, Dave." I walked past him, slapping him on the ass, and went into the bathroom.

David walked back in, and pinched my ass. As I squealed he laughed and kissed my neck.

"Jerk." I muttered.

"Sexy." He whispered, then walked out of the room.

I rolled my eyes, and looked in the mirror. My blue eyes were surrounded by thick eye lashes and black eye liner, so I used a special cloth to remove my make up. I then brushed my teeth, and put my long blonde hair up in a messy bun. I was ready for bed!

I skipped back into our bedroom, and I saw David trying to get into the queen bed.

"Having troubles, babe?" I giggled.

"You have too many damn pillows, Tyler." He playfully glared at me.

"Five pillows. Big deal." I rolled my eyes, and quickly got under the covers, David following.

"I can't even spoon you." He whined.

"You want to spoon?" I laughed, and layed my head down on my favorite pillow. It was a Pillow Pet, panda. And I named him Charles. He was so plushy!

David grabbed one of my non-used pillows, and threw it across our bedroom.

"David!" I yelled.

He threw another pillow across the room, and I could see his face in the moonlight.

"I want to wake up to your beautiful face. Not a unicorn Pillow Pet." He said to me.

I glared at him playfully, and removed the warm covers from my body to go get the pillows he threw across the room, and then went to the closet. There I found two more pillows. I smiled evily. Just to piss Dave off, I grabbed the pillows, and returned to bed.

"You're kidding." He said when I shoved one of the extra pillows in his face.

"Nope! I love my pillows, Dave."

"Tyler!" He groaned. "I'm barely on the bed anymore, you have so many pillows surrounding you."

I smiled, and shifted on the bed.

I heard something fall to the floor, then an 'oomph.'

"David?" I spoke into the dark.

"Ow." I heard him groan.

"Babe, you okay?"

"Yeah. Your damn pillows are now taking up the bed."

I smiled in the dark, and started to get comfortable.

When I heard David get up from the floor, I felt some of the pillows leaving the bed. "No!" I screamed, grabbing all the pillows that'll fit in my arms. I then dashed out of the room, running down the hallway with seven pillows in my arms.

"Tyler!" David called after me, I heard his footsteps following me, and I quickened my pace. "Ty, you took my pillow!"

"Screw you!" I laughed.

I bumbed into something, and I fell forwards. The pillows broke my fall, and my face was saved.

The light turned on, and I saw David's face turning red from trying to hold in his laughter.

"Go ahead and laugh, jerk. But if it wasn't for those pillows, this pretty face would be gone." I motioned to my face

David laughed for a minute, then walked over to me. "You're crazy you know that?" He chuckled while cupping my cheek in his hand.

I smiled and nodded.

"I want you to know something." He continued, sitting down next to me. I climbed into his lap, and he wrapped his arms around me.

"What do you want me to know?" I asked.

"I want you to know, that whatever happens to your pretty face, whether you get a cut, you get a black eye, you brake your nose, a busted lip, whatever. I will always think your face is pretty."

I turned my head so we were looking at one another, and I crashed my lips to his.

I seriously have the best boyfriend ever.

He pulled away and started to kick a few of the pillows away from us.

"Grab three of the seven, and we'll go to bed." He told me.

I pouted. "Why three?"

"Two for you, one for me."

"Four. Three for me, one for you."

David smiled at me, then pecked my lips. "Whatever floats your boat, babe. But I have a question to ask you."

I got up from his lap, and started to gather the four pillows from the ground, including Charles. "What's your question?"

When he didn't answer, I turned to him, and saw he was down on one knee, holding out a ring. "Will you marry me?"


Okay! So, I hope you enjoyed my random short story! Tell me your thoughts, because this story was thought of when I was talking to my friend WHO IS FEATURED IN THE STORY about pillows...And I had to put in my pillow pet Charles in the story too. :)

:D -FallenTorment16

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