Chapter 2

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It was just another sunny morning in Ireland. Everything seemed fine until Niall heard his alarm clock going off. He moved covers of his lazy body yawning one more time before getting up from his bed.

It was first day of school after long, hot summer and Niall didn't liked this idea of getting up early in the morning.

He silently walked trought house trying not to wake anybody up making his way to bathroom. He took a shower and washed his teeth, he put on white T-shirt, a blue skinny jeans and a pair of white nikes.

When he was about to take his school bag what was on the floor beside his desk, he accidentally took a look trought his window. There was a person standing on the street in front of his house with its hands in pocket of black hoodie what was covering it's face so it was immposible to recognize who it was. When he noticed that the person is looking up at him, he immediately moved away from the window hiding behinde the wall. He felt some kinde of fear in his bones but he made himself thing it was just some stranger who got lost.

He took a look trought his window again but this time there was nobody in sight.



"Niall, are you ok?" He heard soft girly voice comming from behinde him. It was Stellas. His lips immediatelly curved into a smile. Since they were younger, he has always had some wierd feelings over her. She was the only person who can make him laught, the only person who can conforte him when he is sad.

She was wearing pink dress above her knees what was perfectly fiting her body. Niall breath stoped for a moment until he relised she is looking at him with one eybrove rised.

"I asked if everything is alright!" She said riseing her voice a little so Niall could hear her better.

"Actualy..." Niall started talking taking his look back on football ground "Today morning, when i was getting ready for school i saw someone standing on the street looking at my window"

"So?" Stella asked not getting his point.

"I felt frightened." Takeing a deep breath he continued "The person was wearing black hoodie what was covering its face and it wasn't moving at all but when i looked again there was nobody on the street."

Stell didn't say anything, she got up from the bench looking at him like he was the crazyest person alive. He knew nobody is not going to believe him and it wasn't the first time something wierd like this happened to him but he never actualy talked about it.

"Have you recognized who it was?" Stella surprised Niall with her question. All this story was making her courious, maby there is something going on for real.

"No. But it was pretty short, like it was a girl" he sighted turning his head in Stellas direction admiring her beautiful face.

"Maby you have a fan?" She smield

"I wish" niall smiled back making her thing everything is fine and that he is not worrid about it, but he knew there was something bigger than just a fan.

"Are you comming at mines today after school?" Niall asked while walking to his first lesson with Stella on his right side.

"I can't. Aron is taking me out somwhere." Aron was her boyfriend who didn't liked Niall and Niall didn't like him neather. It was too obviously Aron was useing her for her body.

Niall noded sadly but still smiling. "I guess i'll have to read alone."

"Don't be mad at me Niall. I know you don't like Aron but he is my boyfirend and i have to spend some time with him" it seemed like she was mad, not Niall. He wasn't mad at all but he has to admitt he was jelaous.


"Good morning class!" Mr.Ray, math teacher said entering the class with blonde haired girl foolowing behinde him "Maby some of you already heard we have a new student" he continued looking at the girl beside him. She was beutifull, not too tall, skinny, dressed in black T-shirt and black skinny jeans. Her big blue eyes were focused on classrooms old wooden floor what was describing her as a shy person.

"It will be nice of you to tell us something about yourself Miss?" A voice was heard from behinde the classroom. Who else then the biggest fool in the class. Aron Twain.

He was making fun of everybody, but when you make fun of him, he'll probobly punch you.

She just smiled and started talking but too slient so nobody didn't heard what she was saying.

"Dear god. Or i'm deff, or you're stupid. Speak up Miss" Aron was provoking her, that was obvious. All he wanted was to see is she good material for bullying. She was exectly what he was looking for. Silent, shy, mysterious girl lost in her toughts and afraid of the world.

"Twain!" Mr.Rey exclaim "If you were silent you would probobly heared what she said."

"My name is Sophia Novak" she said this time little bit louder "I'm 17 years old, i like to read and draw"

"And your accent?" asked Stella.


Niall was silently sitting and observing the shy new girl in front of him. Maby they could be friends, he tought. She likes reading what was making him more interested in her.

She set in the front row on seat what nobody didn't like. Right in front of the teacher.

Niall looked at Stella hoping she was not talking to Aron, but the weve was showing much more then just two people talking. Aron hand was traveling from her knee to the hem of her pink dress. She tryed to move his hand away but he didn't wanted to give up.

Niall shook his head taking his look to the board where Mr.Ray has already written some numbers, then he remembered something. The person im the morning looked a lot like Sophia. The black clothes, small shape of body. No it can't be her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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