He Came Along Right When She Needed Him .4.

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Proper a/n at the end. Hope you guys like it! ...

EVE's POV continued..

" hey stop, where're you going?" Michael called out. He'd been so nice to me I couldn't turn around and look him in the eye and lie again.

" i-i- - -don't know" stop stammering he'll know ur crying.

He walked up behind me, placed a hand on my shoulder and turned me around. I could here people walking around, laughing, living life without a worry. Why cant everybody in the world be happy?!

"wanna talk about what just happened in there?" he asked in a hushed tone.

I looked up and found sincerity in his eyes. His face was twisted in a frown, like he honestly wanted to know what the problem was. But I couldn't tell him, involving him in all this shit was pointless. He had a perfectly normal life and to bring him into this shit hole would be stupid. He deserves to live on without worrying if somebody coming around the corner will kill him,to live on with out worrying about being homeless and he definitely deserves to live on without taking care of me.

"not really" I mumbled.

I knew I was being childish and that he deserved an explanation but I hardly know him...and if you haven't noticed, im cursed with shyness.

Ever since my mom passed away, I haven't really ' shared my feelings' with anybody and im definitely not telling them to some random guy.

I started to turn around and walk away, but I suddenly felt a hand on my wrist. Michael spun me around and bought me close to him. His big warm hands held on to my smaller ones. I was so close to him that our bodies were touching. I could feel the warmth of his body through his shirt. I was too scared to look up. Actually I was shit scared. I haven't been out of the house that much. Lets try not at all in the past 17 years! So obviously im not umm exactly skilled in this department.

" trust me evelyn, whatevers the problem im sure I can help" came his voice, sending shivers down my spine.

Clearing my head,I shook it.

"its not that easy." I said,in a voice so low,at first I thought he hadn't heard it, but I was wrong he had.

" try me" he said with a half smile.

I don't know if it was his smile or if I was standing to close to him for my own good. I just pressed my face into his chest, grabbed hold of his shirt and just closed my eyes. He might be the hottest guy ive ever seen but no way was I gonna cry. I didn't cry when my father beat me, I didn't cry when I broke my hand nor did I cry when I was thrown out of the house. So I sure as hell wasn't going to cry now.

After I few minutes of silence and hesitation, I felt Michaels strong arms wrap around me,pulling me further into him.

" hey..hey...relax everythings gonna be fine" he said, his head resting on top of my head, I could feel his breath on top of my head. His hands rubbing my back soothingly. Trying to reassure me that everything will be okay,even though he had no clue of what the problem was

I took in a deep breath. Just as I was about to reply, I opened my eyes and saw my father standing in front of the window from the restaurant. He held up his hand to his temple,his fingers imitating the shape of a gun,closed his eyes and pretended to fire. I knew what he meant and this made my chest cave in. I un-intentionally took a in a sharp breath which Michael heard.

"you okay?" he asked. The concern in his voice was killing me. Why did he have to show up last night. Why did he have to plunge himself into all this.

I let go of him, got out of his warm embrace. I stepped back ready to make a getaway if needed. But I couldn't leave him here,not after all the things he's done for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2009 ⏰

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