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Makayla's POV

I sit against the tree I told Calum to meet me at next to the bike parking place during lunch on Friday. I have been extremely nervous and I wonder if Calum is too. Yes, we have been writing notes to each other for about a month now, but what if he doesn't like who I really am? What if I am not what he expected? What if he wants to stop talking to me?

A few students exit the school building, wanting to go get fast food for lunch, but I can't pick out which one is Calum.

"Are you Makayla?" I hear a deep voice from behind me and I am startled. I turn around to see an Asian looking boy.

"That depends," I tell him. "Are you Calum?" He nods his head and I look him up and down. He is dressed well and he is hot!

"Yeah. I'm Makayla." I stand from the ground and reach out my hand. "It's nice to meet you." He shakes my hand then we sit down across from each other.

"You're not really.. what I expected," Calum says and I frown at what he said.

"Well, I'm sorry I guess." I look at my lap and he talks again.

"No, no. I meant that in a good way, M." I smile. "You're better than I expected."

"You're not exactly what I expected either," I admit.

"Really?" He smirks. "Is that a good or bad thing?"

"A little bit of both," I tell him. "I've seen you around school and you hang out with popular people, but you don't seem like a bad guy, Calum."

"Because I'm not a bad guy," he replies.

"Yeah, I know," I say, smiling again.

I realize that maybe writing that first note was a good thing.

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