Chapter 4

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"How is the online school going?" My dad asks sitting on the living room couch. I take a bite of my popcorn while taking notes on my bible. It's not that I don't like God because I do, Lord knows I do but this town really sucks the life out of it.

"It's going good, I just have a couple to take before I finally finish" I drop my pen looking to him. He stands and walks over to me sitting on a stool.

"You know, you can go on and live your life. I'm good here and it's time for you to realise that." He says looking into my eyes and I nod looking down. I know he's doing good, I know I can leave but the thing is I don't have the courage to start over again.

"I know, but I'm staying with you " I lay my hand on his shoulder and he shakes his head.

"I just don't want you to waste your youth." He stands walking towards a cabibet.

"My youth is all yours." I respond knowing I would love to go back out to the city and be freebof my own decisions.

In high school all I ever wanted was to leave this town and be free but here in am back in this routine but I have a chance to leave and I'm rejecting it. Is this part if growing up?

"Why don't you leave with Harry? He's heading back soon, live your life." He suggests to my surprise and my eyes widen at his words.

"Me? Harry? Dad where's this coming from?" I ask completely baffled.

"I mean he seems like your only way out of here, you're not willing to listen to me and I don't like seeing you unhappy here." He leans over the counter with a container of strawberries.

"Even if I was to go off with him, what would the townspeople say to you? And I barely know Harry dad he wouldn't even let me go with him." I say hoping to calm myself down at the thoughts of leaving and making my own decisions.

"I don't care what they say, sweetheart people are going to talk about you all your life, the day you choose to let their words affect you is the day that you've let them win. I'm not weak and I didn't raise a weak girl either" he begins walking away leaving me to think about what was just said.

-Three days later-

"Hello, is Harry home?" I ask Sarah as she opens the door for me to her home.

"He's just upstairs packing. The room right across the bathroom dear" she says sadly and leaves me be as she makes her way to the couch. My heart really feels bad for her sometimes.

"Thank you" I walk up the stairs and hold my breath as I reach his door. I stare blankly at the door debating on knocking.

"You don't have to just stand there." I jump at the sound and see Harry standing behind me coming from the bathroom I suppose.

"I was just going to, but no need if you're out here" I respond he smiles and shakes his head and peels himself from the wall coming towards me all to slowly.

"Uh.. so" I take a few steps back.

"Why'd you come to see me" he opens his door and I quickly turn and walk into his room his scent swallowing me whole. He has clothes folded and placed nicely on his bed and a suitcase on the other side of the room.

"Leaving so soon?" I ask after analyzing his room. When I return my attention to him he's already staring at my movements.

"Why? you'll miss me?" He smirks leaning on the wall. I roll my eyes and sit in his chair kicking my skirt in the process.

"Nice skirt-"

"Fuck you" I interrupted him and fight a smile back when his teasing chuckle released.

"But I came by to take your offer on getting out of here" I watch his brows raise in surprise and a small smile makes its way to his face.

"Sure, in one condition" he walks to his closet and comes back with a white shirt.

"What?" He removes his black shirt, tattoo's drawn all over his chest, torso, and arms. The urge to touch him perfect body cones upon me but I look away out of his window in hopes to distract myself.

"You change that awful skirt" he laughs and I flick him the bird and stand up pretending to be angry.

"You're not really upset about this are you? It's a joke" he tries to lighten up the mood he believes he darkened.

"Well it wasn't very funny" I responded trying to show an angry face.

"If it wasn't, you wouldn't be hiding your smile right now" he walks towards me and gives me a hug.

"Yeah yeah whatever, when are we leaving lover boy" I push him away and escape his hold. The thoughts that would become reality is not what I want.

"Tomorrow at noon" he responds.

"Where are we going?"
"Where are we staying?"
"How much money do I bring"
"How are we getting there?" The questions slip out without control and I take a few breaths of air.

"Manhattan, my place, nothing at all, and I have a car parked here. Don't worry, you'll be taken care of.... Abby" he smiles taking a few shirts and placing them in his suitcase.

"Well then"

"Go pack, I'll pick you up in the morning" he says in such an authoritative way I nod quickly afraid my voice will show him how that just effected me.

"See you tomorrow" I whisper while closing the door.

"Tomorrow" he smiles still packing.


"I'm leaving tomorrow" I tell my dad over dinner which I decided to cook for us.

"Really do soon? That's great darling" he smiles genuinely across the table.

"Are you sure you're fine with this, you'll be okay? I can stay if you want me-"

"Abigail, I'll be fine. You go and enjoy your youth, I love you but I need my privacy too" he laughs.

"Just don't get into trouble, and remember to pray." He tells me and continues to eat. I nod and finish my food.

That night, I couldn't sleep. I was leaving with a complete stranger the next day and my father was alright with it, I was alright with it because for a reason unknown to me, I felt like I knew him.

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