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~W-where am I!? Thought Love. She was in a large room and surrounded by darkness. There was one light in the middle of the large room that only illuminated one circle in the entire room. Even that didn't contain very much light. Love heard a noise. Sounding of footsteps, and getting closer. Clank clank the noise was getting louder. Her heart started pounding and she started to have a panic attack. M-maybe if I can get to that light I will be safe! She thought as she stood up off of the cold hard concrete flooring she was laying on. She suddenly got a bit light headed. Not now! Not now! She mentally yelled at herself as she started to quietly walk towards the small circle of light. Suddenly, a knife flew past her head and clanked into the wall right next to her head. She felt warm blood trickling down her cheek. She touched it. It was blood, the knife must've cut her flying past. Adrenaline rushed through her veins mercilessly. Dammit Jeff you fucking missed! A voice yelled from near by. Well, Jack if you weren't constantly breathing down my damn neck, maybe I wouldn't have fucking missed! Yelled a boy who was seemingly around thirteen or fourteen of age. Jeff....? Jack..? No.. No it couldn't be the Jeff and Jack i'm thinking of. After all creepy pasta doesn't actually exist. Right? Love thought. She's right there! Yelled the so-called Jeff. Even though I can't see, that doesn't mean I don't have highly enhanced other senses you idiot. Said the Jack. Sure, no eyes. Said Jeff. Love chuckled at this. COME ON NO EYES! The Jeff yelled at Jack as he started running at her. That's when she saw that charcoal black stare, full of hatred, that smile permanently scarred into his face. The white hoodie stained in his victim's blood, the scorched black hair. That's when she noticed, he had no eyelids. She wanted
to scream, she wanted to run, but she couldn't will her body to do anything but just stand there, defenselessly. She saw the grin forming on Jeff's cruel face, she saw his cruel desires. T-that is Jeff! She yelled at herself and tried to run, but she tripped and fell. Before she could get up Jeff was on her back gripping her hair in his blood stained paws. He stabbed her in both of her legs twisting the knife and laughing as if this was some kind of game to him. Jack came up behind him and pushed Jeff off. A-are you here to help me?? She asked. I wish I was honey, but daddy's hungry. She had totally forgotten that Jack ate kidneys. He pulled her shirt up and exposed her kidneys. Taking his scalpel and gently sliding it across her back. She felt the cold blade and then the warm blood started to flow. W-why are you doing this to me!? She said now bawling up a storm. It's just the game of life, babe. said the Jack as he ripped out her last kidney. She started getting woozy immediately. She felt a knife being plunged into her back and twisted. The final words she heard were the bone chilling words Go.To.Sleep! Then the darkness consumed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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