Chapter 1

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Peter's POV

I was on my normal patrols. Ya know the whole swinging from buildings trying to find some crime to deal with. I rounded the corner instantly my Spidey-scences went haywire. Bad mistake turning that corner. I was hit by a beam of some sort. As I was falling I was screaming. I saw none other than Loki laughing mechanically. "What's wrong. The little bug get squashed." Loki said. He makes me sick. I hit the ground with a thud. I scram in agony while cringing in pain. That's when I herd IronMans suit above. I soon knot used a small pool of blood around me. I was still screaming.

Tony's POV

I was reading a book when I heard a blood curling scream. This person was obviously on danger. I soon fuelled over the intercom threw out the tower "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!!"

We rushed to the course of the scream. There we saw Loki. I glanced to Thor to tell him to get his brother when I saw some one on the ground with a red and blue spandex on in agony with a small pool of blood surrounding them. I quickly saw the symbol on his back, a spider. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Spiderman. "Avengers get Loki I'll go help Spidey over there." They all loomed to where I was poi ting and saw the same thing I did. Their expressions where total horror. The team quickly slept into action. I turned to spiderman and took off to Stark Tower. "Jarvis check his vital signs and quickly." I called while setting Spidey on one of the medical bay. "His vital signs seem to be stable, but he is loosing blood rather quickly. May I ask as to how this happened?" "One word. Loki." I responded.

I ripped his suit that was around his wound and treating it while minding his privacy. The mask was still on, despite my curiosity.

Thor's POV

As we where fighting my brother I was the man of iron fly off with the man of spiders in his arms obviously injured. I quickly hit Loki on the head knocking him unconscious.


Hey hope you guys liked the limed the first chapter. Took me forever to think of it again cause the whole book got deleted some how. How does that even happen. Well I'm happy I got this far. Tell me if u want me to continue this book. I need 4 votes. Peace out peeps.

~ CookieMuncher3001

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