Angels Among Us

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Anthony strained to sit up, realized his head had something very cold and kinda wet on it, tried to speak, but nothing came out. A small, delicate hand pressed against his shoulders, pushing him down, into what felt like the couch,

"Don't try to get up sir. You fell and hit your head on the end table. My sister ran and got me when you didn't move."

There was a nervous giggle,

"You scared her. She thought you were dead."

Anthony gave up trying to get up, and turned his efforts to opening his eyes. He thought they were open, but couldn't see anything... What was going on?? He reached for his face, confused,

"It's okay. I promise, it's just some gauze. My sister wanted to help... We kinda put a lot on, BUT YOU WERE BLEEDING, so....

Sorry sir...

But we stopped the bleeding. Are you alright? Why aren't you saying anything?"

He didn't know why. Did he drink more than he meant to? Why couldn't he talk... Anthony tried to lick his lips, swallow, but he suddenly realized he was parched, and started coughing.

"Oh, let me get you something to drink, sir. Butt Nugget, sit here while I get something for him to drink."

"I'LL DO IT! And Mom told you not to call me that. I'M TELLING!!"

Came a familiar, machine gun delivery in the same overly excited voice that used his bathroom and caused this whole mess...

Anthony pulled at the gauze over his eyes, struggling to see what was going on with these 2 strangers in his apartment. He heard the sound of the younger girl's feet returning from the direction of the kitchen. Softly, he heard her saying,

"Oops! Damn. Oops! DAMN!"

Butt Nugget, Mom doesn't like you saying that and if you walk slower you wouldn't be spilling it everywhere!"


Shouted Butt Nugget,

"Sorry sir. I'll clean it up, I promise. Let me get that gauze off for you. Sorry there was so much."

With 2 delicate hands, she lifted and gently pulled the gauze off my eyes. Anthony blinked at the flood of light from the open blinds.


Suddenly, with a crash, the blinds fell, shutting out the piercing light. Anthony  blinked trying to adjust to the new light level. Finally he could see again. A small feminine hand held the half spilt out drink in front of him, suddenly remembering he was as dry as a desert, he grabbed the glass, greedily drinking it down in 2 giant gulps. It wasn't enough to quench his thirst, but it was enough to give him his voice back.

Anthony turned his eyes towards the young lady helping him, and was suddenly completely captivated by this little beauty that sat beside him, trying not to blush. Anthony chose his words carefully and asked,

"If 'Butt Nugget' wouldn't mind, may I please have another glass of water?"

"HEY!!! Grumph! I can't tell my Mom on you, THAT'S NOT FAIR!"

And Butt Nugget hurried towards the kitchen after snatching the glass from his hand.

Anthony couldn't stop staring at this vision beside him. And she obviously noticed because she was blushing so hard, you'd have thought her cheeks would burst into flame. He couldn't help himself, his eyes wandered over her small frame, lingering a little too long on the hint of cleavage that peaked out from her button up shirt.

"May I ask your name young lady?"

Still looking completely embarrassed,


"Thank you Cassie, I'm Anthony."

Cassie returned her gaze to Anthony's face, when suddenly there was a screech and the sound of shattering glass from the entrance of the kitchen. Both Cassie and Anthony's heads snapped in the direction of the sound to see "Butt Nugget" in the opening, pointing towards the couch. Cassie quickly grabbed the blanket from off the back of the couch and dropped it across Anthony, who suddenly realized what was going on. He had inadvertently sprung an erection which was sticking out of his boxers.

It was Anthony's turn to be embarrassed and glow beat red! Cassie quickly took Butt Nugget by the hand and led her to the door of the apartment.

"Shelly, there's $5.00 for you if you go home and NEVER mention this to ANYONE!"


Responded Butt Nugget, I mean Melody.

"FINE. But I only have $5.00 on me now. I'll have the rest for you Tuesday after my shift at the cafe."


And Melody ran out, slamming the apartment door behind her as she went.

Cassie returned to Anthony's side,

"It's alright sir. Melody won't say anything. I'll get you that other glass of water."

Cassie went to the kitchen and Anthony slumped into the couch, trying to think of a way out of this. Cassie returned with a fresh glass of water, handed it it Anthony, and took her seat beside him again.

"Cassie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen."

"It's alright sir. It didn't bother me. But Melody kinda freaked."

Cassie said with a nervous giggle.

Anthony started getting a headache, rubbed his brow, and moaned softly.

"Headache?" Asked Cassie.

"Definitely, would you mind getting me the pills by my bed?"

The little beauty walked off in the direction Anthony indicated, disappearing into the bedroom. Anthony took a long drink from the glass, released to be alone for a few seconds. Reached under the blanket for his hardened cock, to adjust it before Cassie returned. As she entered back into the living room, Anthony quickly removed his hand from under the blanket.

Handing Anthony two of what he assumed to be aspirin, Cassie moved the chair she was using from by Anthony's head, towards his knees and just stared at the floor.

Anthony popped the pills in his mouth and swallowed them with a gulp from the glass. As the pills were washed down his throat, they left a distinct aftertaste in the back of his mouth. Those WERE NOT aspirin!


Anthony thought,

"Those weren't aspirin. They tasted like Molly. How would they mix with the Xanax I took earlier! How many did I take earlier? Crap! I can't remember."

Cassie looked up and noticed the panicked look on Anthony's face,

"Sir? What's wrong?"

Anthony quickly explained about the pills he just took and the Xanax he took earlier. He explained about the concern he had, and wondered if he should ask her to leave. Cassie assured him that she would stay and watch him to make sure he was alright, and suggested he relax and get some rest. As Anthony's heart raced and he started to feel the first effects of the Molly.

Nervous, Anthony, feeling a little dizzy, laid back and closed his eyes for just a moment as Cassie took the half empty glass of water from his hand. Anthony felt heavy, and as he started drifting off to sleep, mumbled,

"Don't leave me Cassie."

"I won't sir."

Anthony started drifting off but it felt strange, almost more of a high than falling asleep, and his dreams were wrestles, and his mind filled with images of Cassie and himself.

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