When you do embarrassed

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He would blush and roll his eyes trying not to make eye contact with you or maybe he would tell you to shut up

"H-Stop it .."


She would blush and would give a sheepish smile or perhaps a low laugh and look down

"Well ... Uh..hehe ..


She would look down guaguejando blushing every time we would talk or answer you

"H-I do not know ... I ... uh .."


She would just blush and laugh and try to embarrass you back but would guaguejar ashamed

"H-Shut up! B-Girl banana ... h-haha!"


Sal is a pervert but when he shames him back to his normal turns and a shy pretty fucking way, he would blush and guaguejar and never make eye contact with your eyes or try not to talk to you

"H-Speak these things ..."


He would blush and a smile embarrassed he would try not to lose his composure but if you tried again he would roll his eyes and speak for you to stop

"All right (y \ n) .. You saw me ashamed stop it now .."

                                                                                       * * *

I went back !! ~

I'm missing by posting the months T ^^ T I'm sorry !! I'll try to post every day almost ~ nwn

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