My 5th Hack ♡

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Goodmorning Baebear ♡

I can't wait until you wake up and see this in the morning. I really hope it makes you smile and makes your day.

Nothing else is greater than to see you smiling and laughing. You have the greatest smile in the world!

Your the only person I know that can make me smile in a heartbeat or make me laugh.

I really love you no matter what happens ((:

You are extremely funny, loving and caring. You are honestly the greatest best friend in the world (besides one more guys are like tied at first place)

but that doesn't matter! Because you are the best and I really hope that when you see this, you really smile big and maybe give me a hack back?

I WUB YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO x9999999999999999999 more so's much.

but I have to get ready for class so this hacking is gonna have to stop.



tyren ;; hackWhere stories live. Discover now