Bucky: A Cold

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Bucky didn't get sick, even back in the 40's he never got sick. Even when he fought in the war he hardly ever even got the sniffles. So why did he feel like crap now when he was a freakin super soldier?!

The day before Steve, Bucky and Sam had gone after some rogue Hydra goons, and somehow Bucky had ended up in the frozen lake. He got out quickly and was warmed up at a decent pace. So why did he feel as though he might be sick, okay that was an understatement he felt very bad, like complete and utter crap.

Bucky had woken that morning with a dull pain in his head, his nose so full of pressure and a nasty cough that was enough to strip his throat raw. He lay on his couch as that was where he had crashed the night before with what little blankets he had within arms reach piled over him. He was so cold, his body shook with shivering shakes when another cough tore through his body. This was hell, had to be, Bucky was glad both Sam and Steve were away on Avenger business leaving him alone in the apartment. He didn't want Steve's nagging mother hen crap.

Steve was a sweetheart through and through but Bucky was done with his brother hovering over him like he was a China doll! His little brother at that. He wouldn't break for crying out loud!

It was then Bucky was attacked in a violent coughing fit, his breathing was coming in short gasps as he sat up desperately trying to get some air to his lungs. After what felt like forever he was able to draw a shaky breath, he needed to drink something he knew but he would have to get up for that and his throat was too sore. So he moaned in despair curling himself into a tight ball, sniffing with his stuffy nose.

It may have been because his ears were clogged that he didn't hear someone come in. It may have been because his had his face pushed into the couch as hard as he could. Either way he didn't hear someone either his floor of Avengers tower, nor did he hear someone walk over to him until someone yelled causing his head to split in discomfort.

"EW GERMS! Pepper!" Of course it was Stark to barge in, he never knocked. Bucky groaned to himself, he really didn't feel like dealing with Stark at he moment he just wanted to be alone.

"Oh poor thing..." Came a much softer voice, one that didn't make his head pound or his stomach twist. A hand was soon on his forehead, gently pushing his hair back.

"He has a slight fever, just a bad cold I'd say, Bucky honey can you tell me what feels bad?" Bucky usually hates being talked to in such a way but he hadn't heard a voice like that since his mother and he hadn't know he wanted it so much.

"Mmm...my head...my nose...throat..." Came his hushed response, it hurt to talk too much and he was just so tired but couldn't sleep.

"Okay I can work with this, Tony out now and call Nat for me." Bucky heard Tony mumble and complain about 'stupid super sick soldier' that was a lot of S's.

Bucky then felt the torn up towel he had been using along with a few throws as a blanket lifted off of him and a thick fuzzy one put in its place. It was warm and he was warmed up almost instantly, Bucky heard Pepper moving around in the kitchen before he heard her walk over to him.

"Bucky sweetie? Can you sit up for me?" Bucky really didn't want to, he was somewhat comfortable now and would hate to move but Pepper was so nice he couldn't help but comply. He sat up slowly, it was then he got a good look at Pepper, she wasn't in her usually clothes. She had on jeans and a t-shirt with a hoodie overtop, her shoes were fuzzy ugg boots her hair down. Whenever Bucky had seen her she has always been in a business suit with heels to match, always put together, a force to be reckoned with. She still looked put together in her comfy clothes but she was less intimidating.

Pepper pushed a mug into his hands, it was hot to the touch and smelled of honey. "This is herbal tea with lots of honey, it will hydrate you and sooth that throat, finish it then you can sleep."

Bucky nodded not speaking as he sipped the tea, man this gal knew her stuff. The tea sooth his burning throat and it tasted sweet, maybe he liked tea? After he finished his mug he started feeling drossy, he slide back into his pillow Pepper had put at his head as he closed his eyes.


Bucky woke with a jolt, pain shot through his head and as he muffled a groan. He opened his eyes a hair seeing two woman, one with hair like a flame and the other with gentle strawberry blonde. Pepper and Natasha, he watched as they worked in quiet unison in the kitchen making who knew what. He couldn't smell so he really didn't have any idea, they talked softly there heads close together.

"Look whose awake." Came Natasha's soft voice as she walked over to him, he sat up
slowly his head foggy as he did so. He was very dizzy his world tipping slightly to the left making him want to crash right then and there.

"Easy there soldier, how are you feeling?" Natasha asked as she sat on the couch next to the sick man.

"Like crap." Came his croaky response, his throat burned and his head hurt and his body ached.

"Poor thing, drink this." Bucky's hands were gently wrapped around a large mug, it wasn't tea this time. It smelled salty and like noodles and chicken, as he sipped it he tasted the best noodle soup he had had in a long time. He drank it very slowly his mind still a blur of fog and it didn't help when after his had finished his soup Natasha and Pepper jacked him up on cold medicine and NyQuil.

It didn't take long for the meds to kick in and he was falling back on the couch. Natasha easing him back as Pepper pulled the blanket over him, he was warm and his belly was full so it didn't take but a moment for him to fall asleep.


The drugs were strong and Bucky didn't even know how that worked with his fast metabolism, but either way they did and that was why he felt himself being helped up as he stumbled. There were voices, female and male, soft and gentle as someone slung his metal arm over someone shoulder and helped him into a room. He didn't know what was happening until he was eased onto a bed, he hurt all over but it was at the back of his mind he didn't care.

But he must had moaned or whimpered because he was shushed, and his hair pushed back.

"Go back to sleep Barnes..." And sleep he did, he fell away into a restful sleep.


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