chapter two <3

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it was a tiring day and i when,,

"Claire!" Blake called my attention. i felt nervous about what he said this morning. i remembered the day when he admitted he likes me. 

"so, how was your day?"

 " it was Fine"

"Claire" Anne interrupted our  conversation. 

"are you going home with us?

"Im sorry i cant, im  with..."

"ah yes, i  understand" and winked at me 

"you take care baby  girl"

we walked towards the corridor, i cant explainn what im feeling, i feel butterflies  in my stomach.. i just cant help myself but smile when im  with him. 

"so, i was asking awhileago.. how was your day?"

" i said it was fine"

"that's all?"

"yeah, it was fine,  but i felt stressed about our projects, how about your day?"

"It was fine also but something's  missing about my day"

"can i know what is it?


i felt my cheeks warm

"but now it is complete cause im with you" 

i smiled... thats all i can do SMILE. i have to Control my emotion infront of him. 

we reached the nearest park near our school, we stopped and looked for a good spot to sit. i saw Saddie with her friends. Saddie knows Blake a lot, bu what i heard is. Saddie is the exgirlfriend of Blake. so i felt awkward when i saw them. Blake held my hand and walked fast. Finally... we found a place to stay, it was a quiet place.

Blake stared blank for awhile... as i stared at him.

"Claire...uhmm....i-i-i.. wanted to say that i want to... can.. can.. i..."

"Blake" i held his cold hands, i felt him shivering. i can say he is nervous, he cant look at me straight in my eye, i cant feel what he was saying.. but i got a feeling that...

"Claire, i think im too fast about what i feel..."

"Blake, you know what? im just so happy you're here with me"

Blake smiled at me  and held my hands tightly. He moved closer to me and stared to my eyes. i tried to stare  but i really cant.... i dont know why, He laughed at me and teased me, We talked and talked and talked about our personal life. i found out that that he has a younger and older sister, it went out blue when he said he misses his mom and i got to tell him that i havent met my dad. it was getting dark, people were leaving, but some  couples still stayed.



"im really happy right now" 

i smiled

"thank you for your time, thank you for your precious time"

"thank you for making my day Blake"

He kissed my forehead. i was shocked. i froze. i-i-i-.... He was the first guy who kissed my forehead. HE WAS THE FIRST! 

"Blake, thank you" those were the words that came to my mind, i am thankful for meeting him.

we went home late that time. i felt the cold breeze and he lent me his jacket. He walked me home.

"goodnight  Claire, thank you again for your time"

"goodnight Blake, thank you for everything"

I gave him a warm and tight hug, and he kissed  my forehead.

"see you tomorrow Beautiful" he smiled

He watched me as i walked to the stairs to the door, i ran  into my room hoping that he's still outside, he disappeared that fast? i sat on my bed and was silent for a while. i was thinking about the things we did in the park and i cant help but smile. i took a shower and went to bed. Still thinking about the things that happened, i cant myself but to think of what he is about to say in the first place, well. i dont want to rush things let him have his time.



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