33 million instagram followers

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Tyler POV
I was on my second Instagram account and I noticed that I had 33 million followers to celebrate I decided to post a picture of my 8 pack.
The caption read...
@TymoneyYMCMB-thank you for 33 million followers. Then I posted a picture of my debut album High Life I put the caption...
@TymoneyYMCMB-make sure to pick up my debut album high life it comes out in stores next week and you can get the full album for your phone on iTunes and my song Paying' the price will be released on iTunes and on YouTube TONIGHT!!! Check it out #highlife #album #payingtheprice #YMCMB I tagged... @YoungMoneyEntertainment, @Liltunechi, @BryanWilliams, @KimKardashian, and @KanyeWest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2016 ⏰

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