Chapter 15-Father's Tears

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist nor Inuyasha.


Adrenaline had her moving. Inuyasha had tried to launch himself at her, but had met a rock of protection when Shippo clothes-lined him with a strong fox arm. She could no longer hear them fighting and was going on sheer aura to find Edward. She almost slipped when she ran smack dab into his body. "What the hell are you doing here Kagome?" He grabbed onto her arm to steady her, but she pulled herself away from his touch.

Kagome was about to yell at him for coming here when her eyes caught his. She stared long and hard at him before taking a few steps back, trying to distance herself. "You aren't Edward," she stated. Those might be his color eyes, but they weren't his. And she couldn't feel his aura, meaning he was upset. At one point she'd thought him a friend, she still considered him one even if he were an enemy. "You aren't Syn either. I'm guessing you're Envy."

In a second his 'worry' slipped from his face like another mask and he actually chuckled. No one had ever caught onto his illusions. He had to give her credit where credit was do. This priestess was sharp. "Aww, what gave me away? Am I not handsome enough to be your true love?" He cackled as he phased into his real form right before her eyes. Greenish hair sticking up from a handsome face, a sinister smile, and weird clinging black clothes. The mark on his leg, she could barely see it covered by the cloth over his hips. A serpent, sometimes a dragon, devouring its own tail in a never-ending circle. Eternal life.

She knew no amount of steps taken back could escape a predator, so she stared him full in the eyes."Homunculi," she whispered. They really existed. Her eyes snapped up to him, standing there trying to be intimidating. Her hands fisted. These were the things that had followed them back to where the Russell and Fletcher were. And she knew they had infiltrated the military if he'd gone in as 'Syn' following her. She slipped one hand behind her back. Kagome needed to distract him. He was her obstacle right now standing between where she was positive Edward was."It isn't hard to figure out with such poor illusions. The copy is never as good as the real thing."

Oh, she wanted to insult him did she? He straightened at her taunting and his fingers lengthened out. He couldn't kill her; he wasn't planning on killing her considering he had every right to believe she could make him human. She'd never told him how that woman who'd taken her soul had become human and he needed that information. He needed to become his own original copy! But that didn't mean he couldn't hurt her. "You'll regret saying that, bit-" He was hit with a bright ball of pink light and was sent slamming right onto the floor. That had been a cheap shot but she'd taken it. Like her father once said, play on your opponent's weakness and in this case Envy was like Ed, he had a short temper.

Kagome sped off running as soon as she'd hit him, hoping she'd get past him before he even got up. Sometimes hope wasn't enough. Envy slammed her right into the wall, her arm twisted behind her back and her face pressed against the wall. He was twisting awfully hard and she fervently hoped he wouldn't pop it. Kagome did catch sight of what damage she'd done. Envy's pretty skin was burnt where she hit his stomach and for once it wasn't healing. He leaned in close, regarding her with sharp eyes, as he leaned to hiss into her ear, "You better hope that doesn't scar." A chill ran down her back. She knew he would back up the menace behind his voice for that one, all she got from this person was envy and vanity.


Sota brushed his hands off. "Are you kidding me? That was easy," he replied. He hadn't even broken a sweat, merely used a subjugation spell written on a sutra fused with alchemy to make the dirt in the ground bind prisoner #66.

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