Beau imagine

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It was a Saturday morning 8:45 and you and beau your boyfriend if 5 years, the boys and your family's were on holiday in Bali you had rented out a house that was like a mansion and ha a pool and anything your could dream of, you were currently the only one awake an you were standing out on the massive deck undercover leaning against one of the poles watching the morning sunshine shower you could see the sun start to rise making it even more beautiful a the pool an the hills were in the background, you being the photographer you are decided to take a photo posting it to twitter and Instagram saying 'great way to start your holiday and morning :) xo'. Walking back inside at 9:20 you decided to make breakfast for everyone cooking ommlets, bacon. Eggs, sausages, tomato, capsicum, toast & chicken also making a salad and grabbing some uncooked bread and raps, you placed the well cooked full on family sized x4 meal on the table just as everyone comes running down the stairs jut as you look up you see beau being the last trip and fall down the stairs causing everyone else to come crashing down, you hear them all groan and walk over worried when you see their all fine you laugh loudly, they all get up and glare at you with their arms crossed 'it's not my fault you couldn't keep you balance' you said they were not amused "alright be like that, it obviously means you don't want the breakfast baffay I made" you say shrugging and walking into the kitchen the immidiatly run to the dinning room where all the food is lateyd out you start making your Nutella frapacino and some tea and coffee for the parents and mint milkshake a and Apple juice for the teenagers and little ones when you feel arms wrap around you "morning beautiful" you hear someone whisper in your ear placing a kiss on your cheek and then nuzzling his face into your neck "morning beau,here's your mint chocolate fudge frapacino" you say turning around and placing a kiss on his cheek handing him his drink, his yes light up as you hand him the drink with a smile that he sure a hell loves he kisses your cheek and says his thanks taken gone big tray with the teen and kids drinks on it as you take the other big tray with the adults drinks on it and walk into the dinning hall, placing the drinks down and handing one to everyone yet all smile and nod at you with what seems to be mishtef in their eyes they were also wide awake with was un usuall since it was only 10:34 in the morning and no one wakes up until 1:00 usually you shrug it off and start eating.

It was now 11:43 an you and your sister (your sisters name) were going shopping you were wearing a pretty white dress that went to your thighs and white heels with your hair down an naturally wavy, you walk down stairs and see your sister at the door wearing a floor length blue dress you walk over and grab your keys and phone along with wallet and money before walking out the door you yell "will be back soon".
It was now 2:30 and you were back home walking up the footpath with 18 bags of clothes and makeup and other things, you knock on the door and yours and beaus mother open it you walk in and collapse in the couch after placing your bags down gently "arghh I'm so tired" you groan your sister and mother and gina (beaus mother) strand in front if you, you notice their all dressed up you raise and eyebrow "why are you all dressed up?" You ask gina speaks "cause" "Daniel!!" She yells and Daniel your best friend come into the living room in a suit your frown 'what the hell is going on?' You think to yourself Daniel walks over to you and helps you up and wraps your arm around his pulling you with him you walk through the house "where are we going?" You ask quickly fixing your heel and walking again "the backyard" Daniel says here you were the morning you shrugged and don't question it you notice how you took the long way around the house to get to the backyard but didn't complain, as you make it to the door Daniel let's go of your arm and opens the double doors and grabs your arm in his again walking you out your eyes just and you can finally see everyone in front of you in a semi circle fronds and family in suits and beautiful ball/ party dresses all holding one white rose each you are truely confused but go with it smiling awkwardly, they all hand you one until you have a massive bekua of them in your arms you smile at everyone and thank them you notice how beau wasn't there and they must have seen your face as they all moved to the side making a row on each side of you, you look You front of you to see beau standing front of you with a suit on and his hair done to perfection he has one hand in his pocket and the other he is also holding a red flower crown he smiles at you seeing you with the massive bekua of white roses that match your stunning white dress and your beautiful white teeth smile, he kisses your cheek and grins you smile back but are still confused, he takes the massive bekua out of your hands and passes the white bundle of roses to the nearest person being James an his girlfriend, beau looks at you and sees your confused expression he grins like a kid and winks at you walking I front if you he places the red rose flower crown on your head and takes your hands in his he suddenly gets down on one knee an you gasp, "y/n, ever since I met you in school that first day in grade 8 when we were 14 I knew we would get along and we'll we did you became my best friend and were my sunshine my light that led me through the dark whenever I was in bad times, you became my one true friend and my ray of hope and I made a promise to myself that I was going to make you mine, two years sown the track and that's exactly what I did on January 2nd you became mine truly, we went through a lot but you always managed to stick by me through my bad times,you saw me at my weakest and worst state of mind and you still stuck by my side no matter what we've been together for five years now y/n, and I honestly can't believe it I never thought in a million years I would find someone so perfect like you a stong,talented,Passionate, kind hearted and beautiful woman" he paused a moment tears starting to well in his eyes and you you were already bawling he let go of your hands and took out a little black box and opens it to reveal a silver ring with a gold gem in the middle of it he grabbed your hands against in one of his while holding the box in the other and still on one knee "y/n, your honestly my sunshine, my ray of hope and my entire universe and I want to be your sunshine, your ray of hope and your universe, I want you to be the mother of my children" you placed one hand on your chest tears streaming down your checks and your other hand gripped on to his tightly "will you y/n make me the most happiest man on this earth and become my wife?" He asked you couldn't find the words so you nodded pulling him up of his feet and kissing him on the lips and slow strong and passionate one in the background you could hear cheers and cries of joy you pulled away and he picked you up and span you around placing you back down gently and placing the ring on your ring finger, he looked at you and cupped your cheeks in his hands whipping his thumbs under your eyes "I love your will all my heart and soul y/n" he says smiling you cup his cheeks and while inder his eyes "and I love you beau peter brooks with all my heart and soul more than you'll ever know" you say kissing him again.

Holy shit! That was longer than I thought it would be 1483 words to be exact, like holy shit :o hope you enjoyed :) xox comment what you think :)

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