The only chapter.

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"Kate" he took my hand in his.
"Do you love me?" he whispered. My head was resting on his chest, waiting for him to ask me that.
"I do." I nodded, letting go myself of him and comforting in my seat.
"Okay." He forced a smile. I knew him like the palm of my hand, he could be a good liar to everyone, to everyone but me.
"I love you." I said. " When I look at you, I find my missing peace. I feel safe when I talk with you and when I laugh at your silly things. I feel happy when we watch tv and drink wine after midnight. You are the only one I trust, you are the only thing I find comfort. But when you kiss me, my heart doesn't beats quickly." I bite the inside of my cheek now as I lower my head. "When you touch me, I don't tremble or feel anything special." I swallowed. "The love I feel for you, it is the love, the affection, the care a young sister feels for her brother. I know that if someone will hurt me, you'll protect me. And you, you are my salvation and you will always be. And I love you a lot, just not enough to spend the rest of my life with you. And this feeling is mutual, right?" I tried to hold my tears, it wasn't the moment to cry right now.
"I think it is." He said, eying me speciously.
"I'm right, and you don't have to hide it. I mean look at us, two young teens, who helped each other to go through their toughest times. We were supposed to fall in love with each other, but we didn't. You know why? Because perfect things doesn't exist. It would be a way too beautiful story but that's how life is made of."
"Yeah. But you are my angel, you know that right? No matter what happens, you'll always be my angel." He said, his eyes shinning so bright, captivating me.
"I will always be." I promised. I had to be." But stop with these sweet words, because it's really not your type."
"Yeah they aren't my type, but I mean what I said." he laughed.
"You know, if you stop in the next station, there's a train who goes next to her home. Find her, tell her you love her." I said, taking a breath.
"What? No. You know, I no I just..."
"Please shut up and listen to me for once. Just go, you already have her heart, take care of her. Don't lose Daisy, you will regret it for the rest of your life."
"What about you?"
"I, I will continue my way, I'll go in England. It's my dream after all. And there I will find another guy to break my heart. I'm feeling much better now, and that's why I have to learn to be on my own."
"I will miss you like hell." He said his voice cracking.
"Me too asshole me too." I said hugging him. Hugging him for the last time.
"Go now, go get her."
"I will. I love you okay?" I will never forget his eyes they are like leaves on autumn somewhere between yellow and brown waiting for the redness to overcome them. The redness was his hope.
"Me too." I whispered as he ran away. I saw him from the window of the train, he was running, but he turned his head and weaved. I just smiled too weak to wave back.
This was the right thing to do, I know this because I do know him. She deserves him more than me, that's obvious. The thing is that he knows me too, very well. Now he may be overwhelmed, it was clear that he never felt anything for me more than a friendship love, but that doesn't stopped him to light the darkest caves of my heart.
Someday, he will understand why I did this. Someday it will make sense because that day he will think of me. Maybe it will take a while but it's okay. It may haunt him, because even if he acts tough he has the heart of a 5 year old girl. But I just wanted him to be happy. He will be more happy away from me. I take a look at the seat he was laying 5 minute ago. Oh god this world spins so fast.

I can't believe she did this. I must feel guilty, but I'm the happiest man on Earth. She is right, Kate is fucking right. It's nothing more than friendship love, we kinda used each other when we needed someone most. Now we are fine and we have to move on. I am on another train right now, my mind thinking about another girl. I've hurt her enough, always stuck her on this triangle of love, but now it's over. It's just her, even if sometimes wasn't her, now it will be just her. She has waited for me long enough. I will go and she will be waiting for me and we will be so happy. It will be perfect.
" perfect things doesn't exist" her voice pops in my head. I wanna tell her sometimes they do. I mean look at us, we broke up in the best way possible we still are friends, we will still be in touch. Breaking up like this is perfect, totally fucking perfect.
But I won't deny I'm a little bit worried for her. England is so big, and I know she still feels small. She tries to hide it, but I know her better than that.
" there I will find another guy to break my heart" I remember her saying. She doesn't believe in love at all. Another guy. But wait who broke her heart in the first place? I mean I was her first boyfriend. Who broke her heart?
"Perfect things doesn't exist." She says.
"Perfect things doesn't exist." I whisper. And it all start to make sense. I did, I broke her heart. She left because she knew, she knew I didn't love her the same. She could feel it. Fuck. Why. Goddamnit. It was so obvious, I'm so blind. Breaking up and still being in good terms by no one being hurt is too good to be true. Too perfect to be real. I am fucking asshole why didn't I understand it earlier.
But what if I did? What would had I done? Maybe this is good, maybe this is the most finest ending. She is strong, she'll find a way to mend herself.
The train stops, I can see her house.
Now I have another heart to win, and to finally satisfy mine.
I ran to her door as I knock repeatedly until she opens it.
"What are you doing here?" She says. She looks tired, a frown stuck in her face. But her eyes looked different, they shined in a different way. But still she was beautiful just like that, with her pjs and messy hair standing in the doorway.
"I'm here to finally get you Daisy!" I said as I held her in the air tasting her sweet lips.

After three hours since my arrival, we were laying in the couch talking. Not only her face, and her eyes but even something in the way she talked to me was different. Every time I kissed her I felt her more away from me. We were talking but it was inevitable to not talk about Kate.
" I don't know how to react about this. I wanna be with you I'm so sure about this, but what she did...
She left someone she loved,me, only to make me happy."
"But you would leave me for her to make her happy right?" She asked.
"Yeah but that's different."
"It's the same." She stated.
"No because she's not like me. She is alone now traveling to a place she has never been at, and she's is scarred."
"Why are we even talking about her?" She sighed annoyingly.
"Because if it wasn't for her we wouldn't be here together."
"You know if you wanna go with her leave then there's the door. Make up your damn mind."
"I made it I choose you."
"Then stopped talking about her"
"I'm just worried that's all."
"There's something you need to know Aron."
"Huh? What do I need to know?" I don't like the look on her face."
"I'm pregnant."
"What?! Why did you just say?"
"Shit, fucking shit." She lowered her head.
"Fucking repeat what you said."
" I'm pregnant." She whispered. My whole world went black. I fell in the couch.
"How months are you?" Please don't do this to me, please.
"2 months."
"It's not mine right?" She started crying at my feet.
"Fucking answer me."
"You already know the answer."
"You fucking bitch how could you?"
"I got tired of waiting for you, and one night... It just happened, I was drunk I'm sorry."
"Burn in hell!" I said leaving the house.
Fucking perfect.

It start to get darker. The sun was already set, and the moon gleamed white in the sky. I had left the train already, I was in a huge ship now making my way to my so called dream. I was in the deck and the wind was blowing hard but I couldn't stop staring the dark sea and the white full moon, the perfect contrast between them.
"Beautiful huh." A voice talked behind me. A deep masculine voice broke the silence of death created around me. I turned my head to find a familiar face smiling at me.
"Very." I rolled my eyes at him.
"I'm Dylan, since we never actually official met." He said.
"And I'm cold." I answered. He knew my name anyway.
"Oh do you want my jacket?" He offered.
"If you don't mind." He shakes his head as his jacket falls over my shoulders.
"Better this way, right?" He smiles, his green eyes looking more fascinating from the blinding lights of the deck.
"Perfect." I said ironically.
"Perfect things doesn't exist." He smirked.
"They don't boy they don't."

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