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I told Dukeon to meet me at the gates of the school the next day, so we could skip tutor group and walk to Maths together. I was going to teach her how to act and be like me, I was going to show her how to make people think that she didn't care.

I walked towards the gate to see her already stood there, with her new leather backpack and dark clothing. I will admit, she looked fvcking awesome and I was pretty proud of her.

"Hey, Seon-ah." I said, greeting her when I got in hearing distance.

Quickly she turned to see me and grinned, waving her arm violently.

"Woah, ok calm down I'm not Vic Fuentes." I said laughing slightly. "You need to make it seem like you couldn't give two sh:ts."

"Right, sorry." She apologised and I shook my head.

"We don't apologise remember?" I told her and she nodded her head, pretending to zip her mouth shut and throw away the key. "So you said you know where the smoking pit is or something?"

"Yeah, behind the theatre." She told me pointing in the direction of the performing arts block.

"Well lead the way," I said, smiling slightly. I was grateful that she was showing me all this because I wouldn't know otherwise.

"Jungkook will probably be there." She warned me, turning around to see my face. I didn't show any emotion though, Jungkook didn't bother me, if anything he gave me great entertainment. I wasn't not going to see where I could smoke just because of a pretty boy with anger management issues.

When I saw the smokers ahead, I stopped Dukseon and made her turn around and look at me again. I didn't want her embarrassing me in front of people that I needed to take cigarettes from.

"Look, you know how I act yeah?" I checked with her, and when she nodded her head I carried on. "Well act exactly like that, we need cigarettes from these people."

"So I need to be scary?" She asked, looking as if she's thinking about the different ways she could go about it. "Ok, I have the perfect attitude."

"Have you ever smoked before?" I checked, I didn't want her smoking if all she was going to do is cough after one inhalation.

"No." She shook her head, that was a negative.

"Ok, if they offer you one just tell them that you just had one whilst waiting for me." I told her, grabbing her shoulders, making sure to be clear to her. I wasn't going to let someone peer pressure her into smoking if she didn't want to do it.

After she nodded, telling me that she understood what I just said, I took the lead walking towards the group of people - keeping my head high. I noticed Jungkook stood with three other boys, smoking and laughing making me smirk because I knew that he was going to be pissed to see me.

When I made it towards the group, I immediately noticed who was the main guy in this group and went up to introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Sookie." I flirted slightly, giving him an innocent smile. He grinned at me showing me his slightly yellow teeth, a side affect of smoking.

"Hello beautiful girl, I'm Jihwan." He smirked, looking me up and down. "What can I do for you?"

"I was just wondering whether you had a spare cigarette I could have," I said, and I saw the slight hesitation on his face. "You see I would have taken one from my friend here, but she had just had her last one whilst waiting for my late ass."

"Your ass is definitely something, but it's not late." Jihwan smirked, it seemed to be the only thing that he was capable of. "I'll give you a cigarette if you give me something in return."

"Well what did you have in mind?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. I was used to this, I always had to give something back and I guess it was only fair in the trading world.

"You be my booty call." He said, causing me to laugh. If he thought I was going to be his booty call because he gave me one cigarette he had another thing coming.

"For one cigarette? No chance." I told him, shaking my head. "How about you get to grab my ass as I walk away and I won't slap you for it?"

It took him a while to answer, he made it look like he was actually thinking about it when I knew that he would agree in the end. I could tell that he never got any.

"Deal." He agreed, pulling out his packet of Richmond cigarettes and handing me one. I didn't realise that people in Seoul were cheap skates when it came to their tobacco, but I guess I had to just deal with it as it was the best that I was going to get without paying. I took a cigarette and turned to walk away, feeling a sharp slap on my bum as I walked away.

"Dude! You don't disrespect a girl like that!" I heard a deep voice say, and I turned around to see who was telling off Jihwan about our deal.

I saw a guy with green hair walk up to Jihwan, looking slightly angry at him slapping my arse. I saw him shove Jihwan back and I felt the need to go and sort it out.

"Yo, Snot Boy!" I yelled, getting his attention. "Leave him alone, yeah?"

"He just slapped you on your arse!" He protested, "He was being disrespectful to you, no one treats a girl like that!"

"I told him he could do it, he gave me a cigarette." I told him, trying to calm him down. "He wouldn't give me one otherwise."

"Come to me next time you need one, I don't subject women." He said, shaking his Marlboro cigarette packet in his hand and my eyes lit up.

"I definitely will, you get the best." I laughed.

"Well, if I'm gonna kill my lungs, might as well do it right." He laughed as well, shoving the box into his back pocket.

"So what's your name?" I asked, just for future reference.

"Yoongi, but you can call me Suga, yours?" He asked, smiling at me.

"Jungsook, but you can call me Sookie." I told him then remembered Dukseon stood next to me, "And this is Seon-ah."

"Nice to meet you Sookie," Suga smiled, before turning to Dukseon, "Same goes to you if you ever need a cigarette."

"Thanks." She smiled at him, looking surprisingly confident. "I'll be sure to come straight to you."

"Good," He winked at her, causing her to blush slightly, but I think that only I could tell that because she easily masked it over when she stood up straighter.

"Suga, what are you doing?" I heard a familiar male voice ask, I turned my head to see Jungkook walking towards Suga looking slightly angry that he was conversing with me.

"I was just talking to these two, Jihwan disrespected Sookie and I stepped in to stop it." Suga shrugged, "You know how I feel about that sh:t man."

"Yeah, but you shouldn't give two sh:ts about Jungsook." Jungkook said, glancing at me and then looked back towards his friend. "She's a b:tch."

"Oh wait is she the girl that you were talking about yesterday?" Suga asked, looking at me up and down.

"Awh were you talking about me to your friends?" I teased, laughing slightly as I saw Jungkook slap Suga around the side of his head. "It's cute that you have nothing else to talk about but my life."

"Dude, she's smoking hot I don't know why you were saying that she was fat and stuff." Another one of his friends said, also looking me up and down.

"Awh, he slags me off like a teenage girl." I smirked at him, taking my last drag of my cigarette and letting it fall to the ground and crushing it under my foot. As I did this I watched in amusement as I saw Jungkook bite his lip at my actions, and I laughed turning around to Dukseon. "Let's go Seon-ah, I don't think I can stand being in this fvckboys presences anymore."

"Thank god they were starting to bore me." Dukseon sighed in relief, and I laughed.

As we were walking away I heard Jungkook ask "Who was that b:tch that was with her?" and Suga telling him that she was called Seon-ah and I smiled. I was giving Dukseon a name in this school, because I'm guessing that before today nobody really knew who she was.

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