What to do now

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(Maya pov)

I can't belive it. That was so real. But I can't let that happen.

"Maya are you ok?" Lou said

"Umm..Ya." I said

"Then why dose it look like you going to pass out?" asked Harry

"Becaues I don't feel well."I lied

"Oh ok. Do you wanna go lay down?" Louis asked

"No I'm fine."

"You sure?"


"Maya can we talk to you in the other room." Kelly said

"Sure" I said

"What was that all about?"Kelly said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Maya I know something is wrong. Don't make me use my powers." Kelly wornned

"Fine I'll tell you." I said

So I told them all about the vision and how it seemed so real. They couldn't believe what I was saying. but it was the truth.

"OMG we can't let that happen." sue said

"But I don't know what happened to us. We could of left or we could of died." I said

"So how are we going to figure this out?" Kelly asked

"Im not sure but no matter what we can't let the boys find out." sue said

"Agree." me and Kelly said

(Lou pov)

What is going on with Maya? She looked so scared and lost. She'd tell me if something was wrong right?

"Lou?" Harry asked

"Ya" I said

"What do you think is wrong with Maya?" Niall asked

"I'm not sure but whatever it is she'll tell us." I said

"Ya of course she will." Liam said

"Ya it's probably nothing anyway." zayn said

"Yep." we all said

Just as we said that the girls walked back in. Kelly went and sat by Zayn, Sue at by Liam, and Maya sat by me.

(Maya pov)

"I'm Hungary." Niall said not even 10 minutes later

"Your alway Hungary." I said

"Your point?." He asked

"Nothing." I said

"Why don't we all go get food." harry said

"I'm not hungry." All the girls said at once

"Are you guys sure you haven eaten anything all day." Liam said

"Ya we're fine just tired." Sue said

"Ok well we're going to go get something and we'll be back soon ok." Harry said

"Ok bye!" Kelly said

After the boys left I broke down crying. I was so scared and confused. what are we going to do?

"Ok we have to figure this. Like now." Kelly said

(Zayn pov)

I know there's something really wrong. I don't know how but I do. Kelly looked like she wanted to cry and like she lost something important to her.

"Guys what do you think is really wrong with the girls?" I asked

"I'm not sure but they looked like they lost something important to like. also they look really pale. Could they be sick?" Lou said

"I don't know but I want to figure this out." Liam said

"Guys what if there is something really wrong with them because they don't live with there family anymore." Niall said

"But maya has never lived there." Harry said

Just then Louis's phone started to ring.

"Who is it?" I asked

"I'm not sure." Louis said

"Well answer it." Niall said

(Lou pov)

( on phone- l= Louis, op= other person)

L: hello

Op: hello louis.

L: who is this?

Op: that's not important. i just called to tell you that if maya, Kelly and sue don't get the proper care they will die.

L: what do you mean?

Op: I mean that if they don't get the right foods, exercise, and if they don't practice there powers they will die.

L: how will we now what to do?

Op: I will leave an envelop in your mailbox. it will have everything you need to know.

L: what if we have any questions?

Op: write it down and leave it in the mailbox. I will answer it and it will be returned.

L: ok thank you.

Op: your welcome good bye

L: bye

(End call)

"Who was it?" liam asked

"I'm not sure but they told me if maya, kKelly and sue didn't get the right amount of exercise, the right foods, and if they didn't practice there powers they would die." I said


"Calm down, they said they were going to leave an envelope in our mailbox telling us what to do. if we have questions we are support to write it down and put it in the mailbox. then then would answer it and leave the answer back in the mailbox." I said

"Well lets get our food and get home." Zayn said

"It's already ordered. they are going to deliver it." Niall said

"Let's go home then." Harry said

On our way home it was really quite. I could tell everyone was really worried. But should we be worried or not? We are going to get help so we are good?

But what if that person is lying? Should we believe them? I know this sounds stupid but I feel like they really did care.

"LOUIS!" Harry yelled

"What sorry?" I asked

"I asked what are you thinking about?" he asked

"I'm thinking what if this person is lying to us." I said

"We have to trust them."

"I know, but what it hurts them?"

"I don't think it will."

"Ok" I said

"Where here." Liam said

We all piled out of the car and ran to the mailbox. When we opened it there was a normal white envelope. I reached in and grabbed it and torn it open.

"Now what? Liam asked

The reason for that......the paper was blank.


I'm sorry if this is short I'm writing it on my iPod also thank you almost 200 readers and if this sucks I'm really sorry I'm in alot if pain I really hurts my wrist. but I will try to update more.

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