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Kidnapping was just a tragic accident you'd hear on the news. Usually about a mother who was too busy deciding whether to get apples or bananas in a grocery store than to notice her child has gone missing. Or some dramatic Lifetime movie that usually had a happy ending. But it could never happen to me. Or at least that's what I thought. I still remember the terrifying moment when I thought I would never see my momma or daddy again, when I thought I was going to die. But I don't know what frightened me the most, being kidnapped or the person who saved me.

Six years ago..

It was winter of 2007, I remember because that was the year Daddy got me my first bicycle for Christmas. I fell in love with that bike, riding it with my Bratz helmet and kneepads every chance I got. I remember my mom joking about my legs  falling off because I rode it so much. But I didn't care because I loved the feeling I got when I would ride in full speed down the steep hill of my driveway, the wind blowing through my hair hitting the bare skin of my face; the feeling of freedom and I loved it.

I was sitting on the front porch of my house gulping down water after a tenth lap around the neighborhood. My legs were aching but I promised myself after I caught my breath I would do another lap. I didn't really have friends back then, mainly because of who my daddy was. At eleven, I didn't yet know what was so frightening about him. He was always so sweet and fragile with me, but whatever it was it caused people to be kind as ever to me or stay as far away from me as they could. But that didn't bother me, I liked being by myself and still do. I was throwing away the empty water bottle I just drunk when Mamma came outside to remind me to be in the house by 7:00.

"Lexi sweetie, diners almost ready and I want you in the house when the street lights turn off." "Yes ma'am.", I said. I can still smell the scent of her famous spaghetti coming from the house. I clipped the two ends of my helmet together and rode down the driveway. "Oh, and stay where I can see you!", she yelled, but me being a reckless eleven year old, I didn't listen. I was just finishing another lap around the neighborhood, I put my feet in front of the pedals of my bike and wiped the sweat off my forehead when I saw him. Jacob Perez.

He was on his porch playing with his dog.  He stared at me nonchalantly as I did him. Though he's been my neighbor since I was three years old, we've never said a word to each other. The only thing I knew about him was that he was the same age as me, his mom was a stay at home mother and his dad was head of a gang called Kings, while my dad was apart of Aces. I only knew that because I once heard guys talking about how much they respected Daddy and how Kings were going down. Apparently Kings and Aces had some kind of rivalry.  They hated each other, and my dad being head of Aces, I was suppose to hate them too. Because of that, I wondered if Jacob hated me. I wanted so bad to go over there and ask him and the way he was looking at me I could tell he wanted to ask me the same thing , but because of the rumors we didn't. We just occasionally stared at each other.

I looked up at the sky, breaking eye contact with him, and saw that it was getting dark. The street lights had been off, but I thought it wouldn't hurt if I rode for another five minutes. If I had known what was going to happen, I would of went in the house. I glance back and Jacob and saw that he had stop staring at me, turning his attention back to his dog. I put my feet on the pedals and rode down the street. I knew my neighborhood pretty well, so I decided to take another route home.  I heard kids at my school talking about a steep hill they called "The Hill of Doom", it was on the same route of my house so I decided to go down it,

 I came upon the hill, stood up on my bike, and started pedaling. I grinned as the wind hit my face while I rode in full speed. I felt free and nobody could touch me. I was halfway down the hill when a black BMW swerved in front of me. I gasp and jammed on the foot breaks but it was too late. I flew off my bike and slide on the concrete ground, wincing as the rocks pierced my skin. I cried out in pain as blood rushed down my hands and legs. I though I was going to die from all the blood. The next thing I knew I was forcefully being picked up by rough hands.

"Get it up!" a harsh voice whispered, he had me turned around so I couldn't see his face, but I knew it was a man. I screamed and cried  for help, "Get off me!! Let me go! Somebody help me please!!" I wiggled around in his arms, hitting and fighting him with all my might, but I doubt if I even hurt him. "Shut the fuck up!", he smacked his hand over my mouth. I bite down on his fingers and the dropped me on the ground, I welled as I landed on my bruised hand. "Ahhh shit! You bitch!", he swear. I took the chance I had to run away. "Come back here you little bitch, I'm gonna' kill you!" he threatened. But it didn't stop me I continued running until I heard him cry out in pain.


"Ahh fuck!", his body fell to the ground. I turned on my heels and gasped at what I saw. My eyes traveled from the body laying helplessly on the ground -blood gushing from his head, to Jacob holding a stone brick covered with blood. I slapped my hand across his mouth traveling my eyes from Jacob to the body again.

"Y-you kilt him." I whispered. He looked up from the body then to me, but he didn't say a word. I stared at him, as he did me, as I tried to comprehend what just happened. I was almost kidnapped. I said to myself. Jacob Perez just saved my life. Him, a boy who's never said anything to me in his entire life just saved my life. We stared at each other for a good five minutes until his mom called him in the house.

"Jacob, its time to come in hunny!" he then through the brick in the bushes and walked away. He turned back to me, "Don't tell anyone." he said. I nodded my head and he turned back around and walked up the street to his house, leaving me there shocked and motionless. I stood there for a moment and stared at the body. The man had a mask covering his face and I wanted so bad to take if off. To see the face of the man who had tried to kidnap me, possibly even tried to kill me. But I didn't. Something told me if I did his face would haunt me for the rest of my life. So I walked over to my bike. The wheel was bent out of shape and the chain was broken, but I still pushed it home.

I reached my house ten minutes after that. Momma almost had my ass until she saw me all bloody and bruised. I lied and told her I hit a rock  fell off my bike and that someone ran over it, that's why it looked the way it did.  I was scared to tell her the truth, that maybe Daddy would kill Jacob if he found out what really happened. So I stuck with my lie. After asking me thousands of questions she cleaned me up and nagged at me for not coming home on time. "If you would of came home like I told you to, this would of never happened." she said, putting a thick, wide Band-Aid on my hand. "Yes ma'am."

I made a mental note to myself that day. I told myself I would never forget the day Jacob Perez saved my life. Three years later, I would find my mom dead on the kitchen floor.

A year after that, I would find out Jacob's dad is the one who killed her...


I wanted to try and write something a little different. Most of my stories on YouTube are usually those sentimental, happy ending stories and I wanted to go for something a little more raw, ya know? But how was it? Good, Bad, Horrible, Terrible?

If I get good feedback I'll continue! :)


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