Hi! I'm new to this but I really would like that if you do read my fan fics and could you leave a vote or comment? Thank you! -Shawn
Rae-Emerald green eyes with golden flecks, blonde and dark blue, wavy hair, 5'8, 17 years
Shawn- Big brown eyes, cherry red hair, , 5'6, 18 years.
Rae's POV
Great, The sun's out and shining. I'd rather it be pouring down rain. It's 12:26 p.m. I'm craving Starbucks, Might as well ask Shawn and see if she wants to come. Shawn and I have been best friends for 3 years, But the thing is she's not normal, she's not human, she's a werewolf. I'm not a human ,apparently I'm a witch. I know spells, magic, ect.
TO: Shawn <3
FROM: Rae :3
Hey Starbucks 20 min?
TO: Rae :3
FROM: Shawn<3
TO: Shawn<3
FROM: Rae:3
Oh gosh, DON'T go on a coffee rage! Please!
TO: Rae:3
FROM: Shawn<3
Shut up and get ready dumbass
TO: Shawn<3
FROM: Rae:3
>:p You arse
I went and took a shower, left my hair down and natural. "Hi there!" A soft voice squeaked. As I turned my head a saw Sarah, she was killed by a vampire at the age of 15, she would've been 19, 2 months ago.
"Sarah! I missed you! You never talk to me anymore." I said starting to frown. " I know I've been watching my family. Rae it's so heartbreaking, Do you think I should make myself noticeable?" She said hesitantly. " Sarah, That's your choice. If you want to you can. Just don't scare them, alright?" I slightly laughed as well did Sarah.
" I'll think about it, Thanks Rae." "Anytime Sarah, I've got to go and if you haven't noticed I'm in a towel..." I said with blood rushing to my cheeks. "Oh... I actually didn't notice.. sorry, I'm going to go see my mum now. Bye Rae, Thanks again." She said with a fake smile. "Sarah it's going to be ok. And I can still see right through your fake smiles." I said and with that she was gone.
Crap I have 5 minutes left. I put on black ripped skinny jeans, a red tank top that says 'Rebel', My black converse, and my signature leather jacket. I grabbed my phone, wallet and headed towards the door.
As I speed walked down the sidewalk I felt a gust of wind go past me. But... It was only on my right side and not on my left, How strange. I just hugged my jacket tight.
I saw Starbucks coming into my view so I started to run to get there on time but I know I wont be. Moments later I was crossing the street, As I was just in the middle of the street I heard a car horn, I looked to my left and saw a man in a small silver car and it looked like he hade a bottle of Rum in his hand. I tried to move but I was frozen with fear and shock.
Next thing I knew I was on the ground and a weight on my right side, I realized I was on the ground. I looked up to my right and saw a man who had a black quiff, with cold, hard hazel eyes, and what had looked to be a pale natural tan, with a little stubble on his face.
I groaned " Please get off me" I said "Oh... Uh.. Here" The mystery man said as he out stretched his hand. "Thank you so much.. uh.." I said as I took his hand. "Zayn" He replied "Thank you very much Zayn, That could've ended very badly." I said "Oh... It's alright.. Uh I gotta go." And with a blink of an eye he was gone.
As I walked into the coffee shop I saw Shawn on her phone. As I walked up to her table she looked up and noticed me. "20 minutes and your 10 minutes late." She said with a smirk " Sorry I nearly got hit by a drunk driver just outside the shop." I replied. Her eyes nearly fell out of her head, "You what?! Are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine Sha. Some guy knocked me over, But he landed on me." I said with a giggle. "Alright, Was he cute?" " Totally. But like he was dark and those eyes just ugh!" I said with an unsure voice. "Got a name?" She asked "Zayn." I replied. Sexy." She said. "Sure"I replied.
After our coffee we did a little shopping we headed home. I got a few clothes and I found this awesome survival knife and case in a hippy shop. When we came out of the shops I clipped the knife to the side of my belt. It was dark out and I wanted to go home.
As I walked home I felt a gust of wind around me again. Next thing I knew I was in an ally way with 5 boys surrounding me. One with curly hair, one with light brown hair, the next had dyed blonde hair, the other had a buzzcut, and the last one was... oh my god it was Zayn. And they all had red eyes and fangs.
Holy shit they are vampires. Not only vampire but great it was One Direction. Not a fan but not a hater.
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I'll Blow You Away (1D Supernatural Fan Fic)
FanfictionRae is a Witch, Her best friend Shawn is a werewolf, both the girls end up dealing with One Direction who are... Vampires?! They try to avoid them, but will they both end up falling in love with two of the members from One Direction? Will another b...