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Chapter 1


Chandler ran her fingers through her platinum blonde pixie cut hair and made her way to her locker, with her music blasting in her ears. She had finally made to her senior year of high school and she was more than excited. She felt someone jump on her and she turned around to see her best friend Mikayla. Pulling her head phones out of her ears she pulled Mikayla into a tight hug.

She hadn't seen her most of the summer because Mikayla went to visit her dad's side of the family in Mexico.

"Wow." Chandler said looking at Mikayla's new tan.

"Nice huh?" She said spinning around in her teal summer dress that was almost tight enough to drive any man crazy.

"Yeah, next time you go to Mexico let me come with, God knows I need a tan." Chandler didn't obsess over her body the way most girls her age did, she was pretty comfortable in the skin she was in. Besides it was hard getting a tan living in Washington. She was pretty, slim and tall, she could easily be a model if she wanted to.

"Ugh! Never again!" Mikayla said throwing her head back as they approached their locker.

"Mexico was nice, but it was way too hot. I'll stick to my normal tan regimen." She said putting the code in the lock on her locker. They both pulled out there notebooks and put them in the locker they knew since it was the first day of school they probably wouldn't have work, they'd spend most of their day adjusting to the classes and getting to know the teachers. The warning bell rang off letting the kids know they had 5 minutes to get to class.

"Come on lets go to homeroom, I found out Coach Smith is our teacher." She swung her jean backpack, which was covered in buttons of all kinds of thing, on her back and proceeded to walk to the class. Chandler followed suit not saying much but telling Mikayla about all the books she had read over summer, she went to a few indie concerts, and even went white water rafting with her family.

Mikayla and Chandler sat in the back of the classroom as the awaited for their schedules. They continued to talk about the summer before a loud mouthed boy interrupted their conversation.

"HEYO!" A dark haired boy yelled, as he waved around some papers. His eyes locked on Mikayla as she shook her head sunk in the seat.

He vigorously made his way back to her and leaned on her desk, she curled up and squeezed her eyes shut hoping that would make him go away. She opened one eye, and saw him still standing there.

"What Garett?" She said blandly.

"Kay, I didn't hear from you all summer, what's going on?" Mikayla readjusted in her seat and ran her fingers through her big bouncing curls.

"Well, I was in Mexico for most of the summer."

"And the other part?" He had asked.

"I was visiting my mom's family in Italy." She lied, she just didn't him to know that she was in town for a month before she left for Mexico.

"I thought your family was from Brooklyn?"

"They are b-but they came from Italy before they came to New York....uh duh." She lied again.

Garett smiled and nodded his head he was so naïve.

"Well listen Asher and I are throwing this awesome End of the summer party on Friday and I want you to come. We can chill and maybe we can finish what we started before you left for the summer." He said running his hand up her bare leg which she quickly swatted away.

"First off Garett all we did was make out, Second even that wouldn't have happened if I wasn't drunk and Third I don't go anywhere without Chandler."

"Who's that?" He said crossing his arms and furrowing his eyebrows. Mikayla pointed next to her. Chandler smiled and wiggled her slim fingers.

"Oh yeah he can come too, there'll be tons of hot chicks to bang." Garett said clueless.

"I'm a girl and I'm straight." Chandler said slightly annoyed.

"My bad, you kind of look like a dude."

"Garett! Leave. Now." Mikayla said harshly while giving him a smile. He turned around to leave but Mikayla quickly grabbed his arm and snatched a flyer for the party out of his hand.

"Thank you. You may leave now." She smiled showing her pearly white teeth.

"I'm not going to the stupid party." Chandler said scrolling on her phone. Chandler was a person that automatically stood out in a crowd, she kind of blended into the background and she liked that. She was never one to be the center of attention and she didn't want to be.

"Why?!" Mikayla said pouting.

"Because that isn't my crowd, besides I have this book that I'm writing that I really want to finish and it's almost done."

"Chan, it's only one night. Please? Do it for me!" Chandler pondered on it for a moment before nodding her head.

"Fine. I'll do it." Mikayla squealed nearly jumping out of her seat.

Chandler ran her fingers through her now wet and matted hair. Mikayla and Chandler had every class together besides gym which was bad for them because that was the period where they could do whatever they wanted as long as they stayed inside of the gymnasium. Luckily lunch was next and she and Mikayla would be reunited. Chandler, quickly took a 5 minute shower in the back of the locker room, she dried her hair underneath the hand dryer, put her clothes on and waited in the cafeteria for Mikayla.

"Ugh! I almost died without you." Mikayla said dramatically approaching Chandler.

"Me too, babe."

"You will never guess who is in my Psychology class." Mikayla said grabbing us trays as they got in the lunch line.

"Garett?" Chandler said holding back a giggle.

"He needs a therapist, not be one! I swear it's like he's following me Chan." Mikayla said as she placed fries on her tray. Chandler busted out in laughter, causing almost everyone in the line to look at her.

"Look Ash, it's the circus." A girl said. Chandler and Mikayla turned out to see who it was.

"Sadie, don't you have a whore house to go run? Oh wait, you are the whore house you cunt!" Mikayla paid for both she and Chandler's food and they left the cafeteria.

In that moment, Chandler had an a-ha moment. Mikayla was always fighting her battles for her and that needed to change. Chandler was going to become someone new.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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