Chemistry is a bomb - part 2

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Look - as promised, part 2 :) haha literally just written it so you know, feel special XD Okay . . . so enjoy!!! (Keep voting and I love all your comments too so keep them coming :D ) ~X~

"So," Snape said clapping his hands together, "What were we doing last lesson?"

I sat there dumbly as only three hands shot up in the entire class. One was Sherlock's, one was the boy with dark hair next to Sherlock and the other was a girl with long, light brown hair.

Snape mumbled to himself, like he was spoilt for choice on who to pick on. He was probably going to ask someone who hadn't put their hand up . . .

"Pond!" He finally said.

Amy, who had been sat tapping her pencil against her text book, sat up abruptly, "Yes, Sir?"

Snape frowned, "What did I just ask?"

Amy thought for a moment then shrugged, "I don't know Sir," She admitted in defeat.

Snape sighed, "Pay more attention instead of daydreaming. How about you Herondale?"

Will's blue eyes flicked to Tessa who tried not to make it too obvious that she was shrugging, signalling that she either didn't know the answer or was unwilling to help Will out in this obvious time of desperation.

"Does anyone know?" Snape asked as if asking God to give him strength.

"I do!" The guy with dark hair said, just as Sherlock tried to position himself so that he was blocking the guy from view, his own arm waving frantically in the air.

Snape looked at them both then said, "Stark?"

The boy with dark hair smiled at Sherlock who looked like he was about to throw a tantrum.

"Looking at the importance of Chlorine, Sir." The guy recited.

"Good," Snape said then turned to the board and tapped it harshly with his finger.

"So today we are going to be looking at the test for chlorine." He spoke to the whole class, his voice brittle.

"Oh great," Merlin mumbled from beside me, "We're going to be doing practical work."

"How can you tell?" I asked him.

"So we're going to be doing a little practical!" Snape said just millisecond later.

Merlin made a small gesture as if to say "Told you so."

"So using your knowledge of chlorine, I want you to conduct the test written on the board and then write about the results and why the results are like they are." Snape said before adding, "Groups of no more than four and no less than four."

"So groups of four, then." Merlin said as we began to get out of our seats, "God knows why he can't just say that."

"Because that doesn't require you to think about what I said, Merlin!" Snape said from his desk, "If you wish to continue questioning me you can come back after school and write me a 3,000 word essay on the problems you have with my teaching."

Merlin looked at the floor solemnly, "He also has hawk hearing."

Arthur came bounding up to Merlin, Will and Jace in tow.

"Ah, see! Plus Merlin makes a group of four!" Arthur said proudly before dragging Merlin away, Merlin looking less than thrilled.

"Can I work with you two?" A guy asked walking up to me and John, hands in pockets looking awkward.

My Class Is Weird (Sherlock, DW, Merlin and lots of other things: fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now