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i woke up in a bed that i could easily tell wasn't my own, simply by feelings the warm body i was embracing.

i mentally scolded myself before even opening my eyes, knowing i had gotten drunk and fucked someone, probably fucking shit up with luke in the process. 

i slowly opened my eyes, shocked to see a shirtless luke in my arms.

i looked around, looking for any sort of evidence that we'd done anything the night before, but there wasn't any. my clothes were neatly sat on luke's desk, and luke's clothes were in his laundry basket.

it wasn't long before i felt luke moving lightly in my arms before he turned around gently.

"morning." he said lazily.

"did we.." i trailed.

"no, i wouldn't do that to you & i hope you wouldn't do that to me either." he said, and i nodded.

"what happened last night?" i asked, and he shrugged.

"how much do you remember?"

"i was pissed at you, went inside, took a couple shots, and started talking to some chick to piss you off." 

"do you remember after that?"

"nope, care to tell me?"

"i walked in and saw you guys making out, she went to get drinks, you came over and told me you were trying to make me mad so i'd erm.." he said trailing. i was worried about what stupid shit i'd said, honestly.

"so you'd what?" i asked.

"so i'd punish you." luke said, going red.

"oh." i said, simply, my face also turning the bright tomato shade.

"then, i brought you here and put you to bed before you could pass out." he said, and i nodded. i had the vague memory of laying in the bed, but that was it.

"well uh, thanks for making sure i got somewhere safely." i said, and luke shrugged.

"no big deal."

"is your mum and jack here?" i asked and he shook his head.

"they went to los angeles." 

"they traveled across the globe without you?" i asked in disbelief.

"yep. going to see jack's dad." he said, and i was slightly shocked, but it wasn't really my business.

"well uh, i'm gonna get going then. see ya around." i said, standing up and grabbing my clothes, putting them on.

"you don't have to leave." luke said, and i sighed.

"i know you don't mean that, luke." 

"but i do. you can stay if you want, i know shits not good at home so you can just stay here for a week or two, my mum won't be back til then." luke offered and i shook my head.

"i can't do that." i said, heading out.

"michae-" luke said and i shook my head.

"bye luke." i said, before heading out the door.

i went to my car, starting it before driving over to this diner right down the road.

i locked my car and walked in, mainly going to think.

"michael!" i heard a voice say, greeting me.

"hey nancy!" i said, waving before she came up hugging me. nancy was an older lady, around 60. she'd been my moms best friend before she passed, and i loved her like an aunt.

"you know i don't do waves around here!" she said and i chuckled.

"take a seat at the bar, it's been a while since i've got to talk to you." she said, grinning.

"the usual?" she asked, and i nodded, taking a seat.

she took the order back to the cook before grabbing a bottle of sprite and bringing it to me.

"so how's it going at home?" she asked and i shrugged.

"as good as it can be i guess, i'm considering getting an apartment soon. get away from the psycho." i said, and she nodded.

"prolly be good for ya. you still stuck with that boy ashton?" she asked and i shook my head.

"got away from him about to weeks ago." i said, taking a sip.

"you should date my granddaughter molly!" she said with excitedment and i laughed, "i'm kind of seeing someone else, not sure what we are." 

"well if you're not sure, you should ask 'em." she said, and i sighed.

"it's a bit more complicated than that."

"i got time, it's a slow day." she said, and i smiled.

"thanks nancy."


i stayed at the diner for a good two hours, getting advice and catching up with nancy. after leaving the diner i had realized i had left my phone at luke's, causing me to internally shoot myself as i drove back to his house.

i knocked on the door, only for a shocked teary eyed luke to answer.

"michael?" he asked.

"uh yeah, i forgot my phone." i said, and luke sniffled..

"oh right, you can come look upstairs."

"thanks." i muttered, walking upstairs, luke following.

"something wrong?" i asked, grabbing my phone off luke's nightstand.

"eh, it's nothing." he said and i nodded.

"well, i'll get going." i said, and luke protested, "no wait"

"what?" i asked.

"do you like wanna stay here? you know to get away from your grandma?" he offered and i shook my head.

"i don't think i can." i said, and he sighed.


"cause i know you don't want me to. you're just being nice."

"are you really going to be like this now?" he asked, getting slightly annoyed.

"be like what?" i asked, confused.

"act like everything is just being nice or pretending." 

"it's not an act. i'm actually concerned."

"michael..." he trailed.

"i've gotta go." i said abruptly, turning around to go home.

"no you don't. stay." he said, grabbing my hand.

"why should i? i don't even know what you want anymore."

before i knew it, luke's lips were on mine. i kissed back gently before he pulled away.

"i just want you." he whispered softly, and i nodded.

"but how do i know this?" i asked, and he sighed.

"i'm telling you aren't i?" he said, and i sighed this time.

"luke, you being my boyfriend is a marriage certificate." i said, and he nodded.

"yeah, i guess i'm taking things a bit too seriously aren't i?" he said, giggling lightly.

"yeah, maybe so." i said, kissing him once again.

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