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The beginning (like 7th grade) I was still quite new to the area but I had a couple friends. This was the year I got a lot of friends but also lost some because girls were getting to hormonal for me. Most of my friends are guys for that exact reason. I have a best friend her name is Sarah. (not actual name just for privacy) She is like a sister to me. She likes to cook and sing. I will now describe my guy friends.
First off with my friend "Alex", he comes to me for emotional and mental help i guess is the word. He is quite sad, depressed maybe but the one thing I like about him is that he wants to be happy and is striving for that. My next friend I'm going to call Tom, he makes my laugh with the stupidest jokes and I can try not to smile or laugh but it obviously fails. (I may have a tiny crush on him) The next friend shall be named as Kyle. He has bright red hair that stands out and is very unique. He is someone I feel that I can just hang out with. I have many other friends but these are the most important guy friends to me.
People have many friends but friends change and it's not for you to change with them. You need to know who will really make a difference on your mood and how you feel internally.
A.N. in the comments tell me your relationship with your friends and what would you name your friends if you were the one to choose their names. Trinity :)

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