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Alright, so this is my first book so if there are any mistakes/ errors, please feel free to point them out. I hope you guys like this book and sorry for the boring parts. :))


Hi, I'm Paige. I have currently moved to New York with my parents to fulfill my dreams in studying here. I have an older brother, Ken and a younger sister, Maybel.


We were currently in the car and Maybel still had her bored-face on like usual. Mum and Dad were sitting at the front with Dad driving. The radio hummed a soft tune - an old song. Ken was bobbing his head to some song he was listening to on his phone and even started playing air guitar. I was busy doing nothing in the third row of the seats, where I had all the space to myself. I laid down and let the soft humming from the radio soothe me into sleep.

"Wake up, Blank Paige," she likes to call me that because first, I'm always blank and very blur and second, she says it sounds like 'blank page' and she finds that very funny.

I groaned and sat up, feeling dizzy for a while because recomposing myself. I scratched the back of my head and went down the car, where a large house stood in front of me.

"Did you really have to get this big of a house, mother?" My sister asked, still looking bored as ever.

"Yeah, do you ever think of how you and Dad are going to get up the stairs when you get older and weaker?" Ken asked, earning a slap on the back of his head by my beloved Dad.

Dad opened the boot and took out our bags. We stepped up onto the porch of the new house which was grey in colour.

Mum unlocked the door. I stepped in and looked around. The house had marble tiles and white walls. It was absolutely stunning. I gaped at it and didn't notice I was blocking the pathway.

"Dude, if you want to continue looking at the house, please let us go through first," my little sister complained as I stepped aside.

They took their things inside, leaving my bags on the porch.

I rolled my eyes at her and stuck my tongue out. Apparently she saw that even though I was certain her back was facing me.

"Very mature," she rolled her eyes. Keep in mind, she's 2 years younger than me.

I grabbed my bags and walked inside. I sniffed the fresh smell of paint. Ah, my favourite.

I opened my eyes to find Ken with Beats around his neck, staring at me weirdly. I pulled a funny face and he did an uglier one back. We both giggled and continued on with whatever we were doing.

I slowly walked my way up the spiral staircase and looked through the rooms.

The first room I saw, was most obviously the master bedroom. It was huge and I gaped at it. I heard the shower running so my mum must've definitely gone and 'visited' the toilet. My Dad was busy arranging all his clothes in the closet so I continued my journey.

My bag following behind me, the second room had the door open and the room was bursting through with the colour lilac splattered on all of the walls. Even the bedsheets and furniture were lilac.

"This room is mine, sis," Maybe said, her piece of gum popping.

I laughed and put my hands up in a surrendering position.

"Never said I wanted it."

I helped her close her bedroom door as I skipped my way down the left side which had more bedrooms. The hallway floor was carpeted and felt nice under my feet.

The next bedroom I saw was accented with the colour mint green on the walls and on the long curtains draping down all the way to the floor. I saw Ken's bags scattered all over the floor while he was sitting on the window seat with earphones - yet again - plugged in like as if he was in a music video. I didn't want to disturb him so I walked to the other rooms.

I continued on my quest on searching for my room when I stumbled across the last room. There really wasn't any rooms left. It's sad I came up the last, honestly.

I walked into the room. First thing I noticed was this was the only room that had the staircase leading down to the swimming pool I felt that it was weird because nobody else chose this room. The bed was in the middle of the room and quite spacious actually. Can't wait for the rolling around on that bed. There was a mini walk-in closet that I've always dreamt of having and it finally came true. I placed my bags down and plonked down onto the bed.


I finally finished unpacking my things and this room instantly made me feel more at home. I was laying down on the bed on my back while texting my friend, Carly, that was in Seattle. I turned on the television and browsed through the channels. Guess what, iCarly was on. (hahaha, all the puns)

I smelt the aroma of mum's cooking which was very pleasant to my two little nostrils over here. I continued sniffing but I heard the doorbell ring so I ran downstairs.

"I'll get it!"

I opened the front door to reveal a lady that was probably the same age as my mom and someone that was beside us.

"Hello, my name is Mrs. Ryder and I am your neighbour and this is my son, Zac."

I peered over her shoulder and saw a boy with his back facing us. He was taller than his mom and even me. He turned around to face us and his gaze met mine. He smirked and looked at me from top to bottom. I looked away and blushed. I've never seen someone like him before.

He was devilishly handsome.


Hey guys! I am new to writing so hope you don't mind my childish way of writing this story. This part is really boring as it is just for me to introduce to you about what's going on and all so I hope you don't mind about that. Anyway, I hope you like this story and if you do, please comment so I know you do. I will update the story whenever I can. Thanks. Byeeee.


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