#1: Fire Citrine

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I saw nothing but a pure .. white light .. felt a mere cold chill brushing against every fiber of my being. Before I knew, the light grew brighter and I saw a dark figure reaching for me, and violently grabbing at my neck. It was so fast and such a blur, I couldn't begin to process the first sensation of what some call ... pain ...

But then .. the voices began to be clearer and easier to interpret.

"No fractures or cracks. Rather small, but promising. Slender and agile." The voice sounded light .. and quiet. Smooth and silky .. but I couldn't define any features of the face this voice had belonged to. I barely began to fathom my surroundings, let alone these new feelings and odd sensations .. emotions? I believe are what they are called ...?

I .. I'm not sure to be quite honest. Soon enough, my eye sight began to clean and the features of this mysterious being started to become more defined. The life form turned in my direction.

"Oh you're mobile. That's promising. For a mere moment I thought you were defected. It's a relief that I didn't terminate you right away."

None of what this .. Life form ... was saying didn't make any sense. None of this did. I barely even make sense to myself at the moment .. I feel so lost and confused.

"I can tell by the displeased look on your face that you're a bit slow on the draw. Don't fret. All gems who've been birthed from the kindergarten are. So you aren't the only one."

The kindergarten ...? What .. is that where I came from?

"It looks like you're still in the midst of figuring out how your form works, so let me help you. We're take you to a Laboratory facility to help give you a general idea of what you are and what you are meant to do."

My arm .. I think that's what it's called .. was lifted and wrapped around the mysterious being's shoulders .. and they helped me wobble all the way to the place that they mentioned. I don't know what this facility is ... I hope it isn't painful or dangerous.

Before I knew, everything was dark again. I saw fragments of images, four different figures colored oddly ...

Yellow ...

Blue ...

White ...

And Pink ...

I didn't know what any of this meant. But I somehow .. knew who I was. All I knew .. was how to hurt and destroy other gems. How to just follow orders. I knew of the spectacular growth of gem kind and the regulations of how to be a proper gem of the glorious Homeworld.

I opened my eyes, I saw a faint shadow behind foggy containment glass.

"State your name and classification."

"Citrine, Facet 4F3G Cut 3XG." I spoke monotoned, my lips moved almost without a second thought as if it felt .. oddly natural but .. not at the same time. It was strange to me.

"Good. You've done well, Olivine. She has progressed well. She is no warmonger such as a Quartz, but it is a nice change to see a new addition to our empire."

"Thank you my diamond. It is my pleasure to prove myself as an asset to your court."

Diamond .. I felt scared when I utter that word. I saw a tall shape and the hair was defined. The being had a slight yellow tint to her but it was hard to tell. The figure beside the other was shorter but blurred. To difficult to define any specific features ..

"It seems she is aware of our presence my diamond. Shall I put her back in her slumber during the experimentation?"

"No. What doesn't break her will only make her stronger. Keep her awake, she needs to feel everything."

No! I refuse this! I began attempting to lift my arms but I couldn't move. It's as if everything but my mind is frozen! I could hear something in my chest pounding like a drum ... I'm afraid!

"My diamond, her heart levels are rising abnormally. I won't be able to get proper results if she isn't stabilized. Permission to put her back into her slumber?"

"Ugh .. So be it. But only this once. This gem will not receive any decency or be spoiled by any means. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes my diamond. As you wish. I thank you."

"I shall take my leave then, Olivine. I trust this will all go accordingly as planned. I'm putting my faith into your work. Do not fail me."

"Yes my diamond."

And before I knew ... the defined figure's shadow eventually faded and disappeared. The smaller figure remained, I can only see an array of unknown colors from my point of view .. some are pale as contrast to some others which are far more vivid ..

But .. everything's hazy .. The containment glass started turning a bright yellow .. it was almost blinding to look at it directly. But next thing I knew .. It all went black. And that's all I can remember. Just like that, just complete darkness and emptiness. But for how long ...?

I don't know ...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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