My Deadly Girlfriend

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Hi there I'm Yoru. And I'm gonna tell you how I met my new girlfriend, Niran. None of us in the school know about her that well until she met my friends and I. She was new to our school.

So if you wanna hear the story then keep reading on how this all happens.

Also to give you the image of me: I have short hair on about somewhere on my neck and it's golden brown and I where white sweaters and normal black jeans.


Summer was over and we where about to head back to school. Yay....

Anyways I'm very excited to head back and see my friends.


As I heard a familiar voice that said my name, I turned around and saw my friends.

Ikuto is a dark blue and sometimes wear dark colours(most of the times).

He is very sweet and attractive. (Yes I know for a guy, it sounds very weird but I have to admit it).

Also he gets all the ladies. Yes he is a lady man. But he let all of them down but he there's the lady he really likes, her name is Renesmee. But most of us call her Rene for short.

Beside Ikuto is Adois. He is very funny like every day. He is blonde and have blue eyes.

He not that much of a ladies man but oh well.

(Ik-Ikuto, Yo-Yoru, Ad-Adois)

Ik-'Hey Yoru. How was your summer?'

Yo-'Oh very..'

Ad-'Very what?'

Yo-'That's it.'

Ik-'wow what a guy.'

Ad-'oh I almost forgot! Say Ikuto, how's 'operation: getting Rene to fall in love with me' coming?'


Seeing them like this every time, is pretty funny.

Ikuto tried to get Rene to fall in love with him ever since we were in 6 grade.

But I'm use to it.

(Av-Ava, Ren-Renesmee)

Av-' hey guys! What's up?'

Ik-'hey Ava and R-Rene, nothing much you?'

Ren-'hmm Ikuto,'


Ren-'you're blushing.'


Yo-'yes you are.'

Seeing Ikuto blush is pretty cute. I got to admit.

After we are done chattering like everytime we see each other, our teacher finally came like wow he took a long time but I'm use to it.


Mr.C-'class shut up and sit down! Listen we have a new transfer student. Her name is Niran Sycha. Come in Niran.'

As everyone stopped and stare. Unlike any other new student, I would just sit and lye down my head or draw something then show it to my friends and make them laugh. But this one is different. As soon as she walked in, I froze. Like every part of my body was made of ice.


Mr.C-'class this is Niran. Niran this is the clas you are gonna be in. And please introduce yourself.'

Ni-'hi guys, I'm Niran Sycha and I transfer from....I'm not gonna tell you.'

She has short hair but long strips, and a Japanese school clothes for some reason but she's pretty hot though.

After she finished the sentence, she looked up and stared at me. Those eyes were nailed onto mine. They couldn't move one bit.

As she was nailing her eyes to mine, I noticed a eye patch was covering her left eye. (The eye patch has two straps: one on top and one on the bottom). I wanna asked about something about her eye but since her eye and my eye where connected, I couldn't move.

But stupid Adois just had to asked.

Ad-'hey what's up with the eye patch?'

After he said that, I wanted to smack is head so hard, but I didn't cuz Niran answered his stupid question.

Ni-'oh this thing? My eye hurts when I use this so I don't use this eye that much, that's all I got to say.'

When she's finished that, she's stared at me again with cold, love or hate in her eyes.

My Deadly GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now