Blast from the Past

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Ello everypony its Vincent ^♡^ ive decided to write a my little pony fan fiction. My friend wanted me to write one using 'ArtPop' an old OC of mine, and Birthday*eghem* senpai's OC.... Ò///Ó you get it. These will be sorta....well no not like one shots....but at the same time yes....

They will not be in order like by chapter.....but they will be in order like on Timeline......does that make sense?.... oh *FRIEND* me....just look at the next story part...then you will get it.... any way enjoy ♥♥

~The PONY behind the slaughter

ArtPop paced the floor. She was waiting for her friend and roommate who she shared a small apartment in the middle of Canterlot with.

A sudden cry from the backroom interrupted her thoughts of anger towards her unicorn friend. She instantly became alert. Her ears standing straight up on her head.

The baby filly continued to wail, for attention. "Hold on Japples! ArtPop's coming, hey now I'm here, ArtPop's here!" She cooed running into the room, stooping over the crib and scooping the baby girl up. "Shhhhhhh" she bounced the child "don't cry little Japples"

The baby stopped fussing, her pink hated eyes growing and sparkling. "There now, come on there, whose a good girl? You are!" Japples giggled "yes you are! Yes!" ArtPop continued to rock the child until she was sound asleep once again.

ArtPop made her way back to the living room to wait for Birthday Cake to get home. She laid her head back on the couch and sighed. Before she knew it her eyelids drooped.

The door to her left opened. A white unicorn stepped in and shut the door behind him. His normal spiked up mane drooping from the rain water outside. His eyes held fatigue from working a cash register all day.

"You finally gettin' home??" ArtPop questioned. The male only nodded, walking past his friend sitting on the couch eyeing him angrily. "How was the kid?" He said stopping and rubbing his temples with his hooves. ArtPop became shocked "the kid?? That kid is your daughter, and she was okay...."

Bday opened the refrigerator his fatigued eyes scanning the rows. "What did you eat?" He said trying to avoid confrontation with his pink friend. ArtPop drew another long sigh "nuthin"

He turned back to her "nothing? Why 'nuthin'?" He asked his cheeks flushing red From anger. "Stop changing the subject! Birthday Cake I love Japples and all, but I can't keep taking care of her, she's not even mine! Can't her mom chip in? I'm not ready to be a parent!"

Birthday Cake slammed the ice box door out of fury. He turned to the blue haired mare standing in the living room. "AND YOU THINK I AM!? I DIDN'T ASK TO BE A DADDY, BUT DO YOU THINK CELESTIA CARES ABOUT THAT!??" ArtPop lowered her ears. She hated when he yelled at her. On the inside she mentally slapped herself for causing all of this. "N-no sorry....I just wanted help.....that's all"

Bday sighed. He didn't like yelling, especially at ArtPop, she had already been through a lot as it was, now he was just making her even more upset. He sighed and trotted over to her. He embraced her in a bear hug "look sorry I yelled, I'm just having trouble adjusting to this whole....'father' thing....I know you have to do all this by yourself, but I work thirteen hours a day, thank you for taking care of Japples" he said.

ArtPop tried to smile, but all air was being cut off from birthday cakes strength. "*cough* beeeedayyyy...!" He chuckled and dropped his hooves.

This is how all their arguments would end. ArtPop couldn't stand fighting with Bday. He was her everything, the dude saved her life! With out Birthday Cake, she wasn't able to function properly. She would become a trainwreck, having her 'trouble' eat at her, what ever she had left of her soul, her mood swinging towards depression, and her self esteem would deflate. But when he was in her life, she didn't have a care in the world. Whenever she was with Bday a weird feeling would rise in her stomach-like bubbles- and her cheeks would get so hot. She felt as if they were truly ment to be together. ArtPop was one of those ponies who was gullible, who believed in supernatural things, like her and Bday were connected through 'the red string of fate'. She thought about it everyday it must be true she would think. He was the only boy to ever show me kindness.

Birthday Cake on the other hand loved ArtPop, like one of his siblings, and Celestia knows how many of those he has! The thought of he and ArtPop has came to his mind, but he would push them out, for he felt they were too close to be lovers. He felt it would be awkward-sorta like a mashed up version of incest. He shivered at the word Incest, made him sick. He would often lie aware contemplating if he didn't think of her as a sister, would he still want to love her? He searched and searched and eventually he found out he did have a fire for ArtPop somewhere deep inside his heart, but alas, their arguing. He felt they would always fight. He and ArtPop would both be unhappy.


ArtPop finished brushing her teeth. "Goodnight Art-P" Bday called from his bed. ArtPop clicked off the light and shut the door, clip cloping her way next to his bed. Since the baby came, ArtPop's old room was given to Japples, so she slept on/in a pile of clothes on a mini trampoline.

"Night" she crawled into her 'bed' and closed her eyes. She began to remember the day she first met Birthday Cake.


A younger ArtPop slowly walked through the market place of Canterlot. Behind her she carried a cart with cakes from a bakery she was working part time for in Ponyville, Sugar Cube Corner. Her job was to get the delivery to a business partner of the Cake family.

ArtPop never been to Canterlot, she was from Applewood, due to her mother, Rose Luck, being a famous actress, a star of a popular fandom "Doctor Whooves", and her father owning a pub franchise, she wanted to get away from all of that. Now she found herself working part time at a bakery, fighting her way through the crowd of the bustling capital.

She stopped to find out where she was. She looked left then right, but couldn't find a street sign anywhere. She started to back up in fear she was on the wrong street. A crash from behind her stopped her in her tracks. She quickly spun around to see she had tipped another cart. The pony lay on the ground under his products. He wore an angry look, trying to wipe off all of his-at one point- cakes. Clutzy ArtPop had done it again "Oh my- sir I am so sorry, i was trying to find the street sign and i didn't see you- I'm so so sorry, and I can pay for-"

"It's fine." He spoke in staccato tones.

"I'm sorry....uh?..."

"Birthday Cake." He said wiping the excess frosting off his face.

"Right. Like i said I can pay for those if you wan-"

"No. That's my's Birthday Cake" he said standing up in all four of his hooves. He stuck out a hoof for her to shake. She took the invite.

ArtPop wasn't sure what was happening. She looked up at the spike brown maned pony. Her pupils grew and a strange yellow glow started to emit off of the stranger. She felt dizzy but at the same time lighter than air.

"H-hi Birthday Cake....I'm Artavia...but everyone just calls me ArtPop"

"Oh ArtPop, please uh just call me Bday..."

~end of the flashback~

ArtPop Loves B-day ~♥ [Birthday Cake X ArtPop]Where stories live. Discover now