Finally part 1

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Coles POV

It was early in the morning and we already found the location of the Overlord. We didn't really had a plan but that didn't really matter. Same thing. We make sure Lloyd gets to the Overlord and defeats him. Morro was with us. I didn't trust him and the didn't too. Just Lloyd trusted him. He was gullible but he wouldn't believe us when we would try to tell him that Morro is lying. maybe he did the right for once but who knew how long this would hold. We arrived at new Ninjago City. Sensei told us to be careful. Morro went with Lloyd. I didn't like that. If this guy tries something he would regret it. Nothing will hurt Lloyd ever again. He already hurt him the most along with Chen. Those 2 people made him lose his Dad. Lloyd always ment he was over that but I could tell he was lying at some point. We split up to find the Overlord.

Lloyds POV

I went along with Morro to find the Overlord. Something told me that it wasn't really that wise to trust him. Often I thought about Dad when I saw him. I wasn't angry at him. It was just the fact that he was gone because of him. THAT made me think about him. But was it so bad to trust him? Was he really lying? That couldn't be, right? I shook my head, while we were running through the streets of Ninjago City. "What is it? Nervous?" Morro asked. I nodded. "No wonder. I'm pretty sure you don't even trust me really, right?" he asked and I nodded again. "Yeah I wouldn't trust me either" he ment. We searched through the whole town but found nothing. Then the others came. "You found something?" I asked. "You can say that he's in the middle of the City with thousands of Stone Warriors" Kai said.

(Please don't ask why they didn't find him earlier when he's there)

I nodded. We ran towards the middle of the City. When we arrived there we were greeted by Stone Warriors. The Overlord was on the top of the largest Building. I looked around all I saw were the army of the Overlord. "Okay we it's time we do our Job" Cole said and the others nodded. What were they planning. even Morro seemed to understand. Even though the others didn't trust him. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "We are Ninja Lloyd and we are your protectors so we are going to protect you" Jay said. "What? I can handle them" I ment crossing my arms. "Lloyd we know you can but we promised to protect you no matter what" Zane said sternly. I sighed and shoot a way through the army with my Power. "There. You don't have to protect me anymore. I'm not the little kid you needed to protect" I sad and ran through the line. The others followed quickly.

We were at the door to the building. "Okay I want you to hold back the Stone army while me and Morro handle the Overlord" I said. "You want us to leave you? Lloyd we are a team. We stick together" Cole said. "Don't argue with me and GO!"I yelled. They listened and went to the Stone Warriors. "C'mon" I said and Morro ran with me inside the Building and upstairs. When we arrived the Overlord seemed to wait for me. The final Battle will be repeated but this time I'm not alone.

Kais POV

Lloyd went with Morro upstairs while we had to handle the Stone army. I didn't trust Morro at all. It was a bad idea to let Lloyd alone with him. I was so sure that Morro would do something crazy. I was prepared for everything. But the part Lloyd didn't like to argue was the only thing why we let him go alone with this Ghost. That was going to be a bad idea. I knew it.


What's up Guys? The last 2 chapters broke on. Inly 2 days more from this book. And then I would like to hear from you guys what you want to read next. So tell me what you like.

Also: Vote Comment. See ya. Bye

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