Chapter Six: Revenge

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Sneaking out. Something I do almost every other night. But what I do when I sneak out, is the real secret.

I grabbed the usual bag underneath my bed and changed into black leggings, black Converse, a black hoodie and a black beanie.

I grabbed an extra beanie and shoved it inside the duffel bag. I grabbed my skate board and my phone and slid out the window.

I walked to Tony's house, and the closer I got, the more clearly I saw an anxious figure pacing around the porch.

"You're here. What are we even d-". I rolled my eyes. "Hey, calm down. Put this on", I said and threw him the beanie.

He was already wearing black clothing, so all he really needed was a beanie.

He slid it on with ease and looked at me with excitement and nervousness.

"Where's your board?", I asked. Tony went over to the porch and picked up a Thrasher board. Kind of like mine.

"Nice, okay. Follow me", I said and hopped onto my board. I began skating down the street. "Wait!", Tony said and quickly hopped on his to catch up to me.

"Where are we going?", he asked once he had caught up to me. I made a turn on the board and Tony followed.

"You'll see", I said, and scanned the area. We're close.

After a couple more minutes of skating, we had reached out destination.

"What are we doing here? Who's house is this?", Tony asked. I rolled my eyes and zipped open the duffel bag.

"Spray paint?", he asked. I nodded. "This is Chase's house", I smirked. Tony instantly froze up.

"No, no. Whatever you want to do, we can't. He's gonna-", he began rambling nervously.

"He's not going to do anything", I corrected sternly. Tony looked at me confusedly. "How do you know?".

"Well for one", I began, "we won't get caught. Two, if we do, I'll take the blame", I shrugged.

"You'd do that...for me?", he asked softly.

"Hey, don't get all sappy and shit. We're here for revenge", I said. Tony nodded.

"Follow me, don't make a sound", I said, and dropped my board in a nearby bush. Tony did the same and I went over to the garage.

I picked the lock quickly and quietly rose the big door enough for us to crawl through.

I held it open for Tony, then closed it and shone a flashlight around.

"What are we doing in here?", Tony asked. I kept looking around until I hit gold.

"Eureka", I grinned and kept the flashlight on Chase's prized black Mustang.

Tony followed my gaze and his eyes widened. "That? N-no way, he loves the car".

"That's why were gonna give it a makeover", I smirked and pulled out a couple pink spray paint cans.

I grabbed two bandannas to tie over our mouths.

"We're gonna get caught", Tony said nervously.

"We are if you don't shut up. Don't Jinx it", I said and pulled the cap off.

I began spraying his beautiful car with the pink poison.

"Come on, you know you want to. He deserves this", I said. Tony hesitated but then nodded.

I watched as he sprayed all over the hood of the car. He began smiling victoriously.

It took us quite a while, but the car was now fully pink. I even painted 'Furgalicious', on his hood.

I began packing the empty spray cans into the duffel bag.

"That was so cool!", Tony whispered. I shushed him. "It won't be if we get caught", I warned.

He snapped his mouth shut and nodded. I zipped up the bag and stood up.

"Let's go", I said and quietly opened the garage door a crack. We slipped through and I placed the lock back on.

Then I grabbed my board and stood on it. Tony grabbed his board and hopped on.

Then he slipped. I don't know how or why, but he tripped and fell backwards, crashing the garage door and causing a bang loud enough to wake the whole street.

"You idiot!", I whisper-yelled, looking around nervously. Tony stood up with with wide eyes.

The porch light flicked on and the sounds of a lock quickly being opened filled the quiet air.

"Come on", I ordered quietly. Tony quickly hopped on his board and we began skating away.

"Hey!", a gruff voice yelled. Red, white and blue lights flashed in the distance and sirens blared.

He must have triggered the alarm system. Damn it.

"We need to go this way", I said and stood off my board.

"Drop your board here", I said. Tony was panicked and looking around in fear. The sirens got louder.

"Tony!", I whispered. He snapped out of it and dropped his skateboard next to mine in a nearby bush.

I grabbed his shaking hand and began running down the street.

"This isn't the way home", Tony said and frantically looked around. I rolled my eyes and ran faster, pulling him with me.

"We can't go home, they'll follow us there. We need to lose them", I said. He was quiet after that, but still shaky.

The sirens blasted closer and I yanked Tony into a nearby alley. He gave a confused look as I pinned him against a wall, behind a tall dumpster.

I looked over the dumpster and saw the lights getting brighter, in other words, closer.

"Once they pass, we run as directly home. I'll get our boards later", I said. Tony nodded.

His hand was cold and shaking. His hand? How did I know...?

Oh yeah.

I quickly dropped his hand I had been holding and looked away from him.

The sirens got louder and I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

Tony was breathing heavily and quickly. I realized he could pass out if he wasn't breathing right.

I was not gonna carry him all the way to his house.

"Calm down", I whispered, looking at him. He swallowed and took in a deep breath, but still didn't calm down.

"Hey", I whispered, getting closer. His breathing hitched as I whispered directly into his ear.

"Calm down, its alright", I said. He shivered and I heard him release a breath.

I pulled away and saw him take a couple deep breaths. I looked over the dumpster and heard the sirens fading away.

"You okay?", I asked, studying him. He nodded, not taking his gaze away from my eyes.

"Let's go then", I said and stood up straight. He followed after me as we ran back towards his house.

I followed behind him as he walked up to his porch.

"Thanks Alex. This was-", he said, but I was already jogging away into the distance.

The Bad Girl And The Shy Boy: Tony PerryWhere stories live. Discover now