Falling With Snowflakes

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This was another story I wrote when I was in high school for my creative writing class. I was going to wait an post this around Christmas, but I know I'll probably have another holiday story in mind by than. XDD  It may not seem too much like a romance, but it is. In class we were given certain bounds with each new story. Mine, I think, were create a romance lacking phsyical contact. WHATEVER. haha. Enjoy. :)


Valerie sighed as she walked into the extremely roomy log cabin that her sister owned and rented to lots of people. She was always going up there to stay whenever she could. She was excited to be there during winter. It was usually booked by some high class ritzy people who throw Christmas parties. She put her bags in her room and grabbed her Nikon photography camera. It was time to fully take in the scenery. She dressed in my best and warmest winter wear and headed out.


“Well, the guys wanted me to get away... hope this is far enough away.” Charlie said.

Charlie looked around the log cabin he had rented for the winter. Things back home had been getting out of hand. Fame from being in a famous UK band was going to his head and he was starting to lose himself. Drinking and parties every night. So his band mates, managers, and family suggested he get away. Go somewhere he wouldn't be bothered and isn't very known for his fame. So he headed off to the mountains in the US to spend his holiday vacation.

“Beautiful mahogany wood works. Great view. Nice warm fire place. Very cozy. I'll do just fine here.... if I don't go crazy first. Not even a television.” Charlie said as he took out his iphone and ipad. “No service! Wonderful! Well, this was a brilliant trip.”

Charlie looked out the window to see it had began to snow. He was breathe taken by the view. Pine trees as far as the eye can see. All covered in a white blanket of snow. After gazing at all of the outside beauty through the cabin window he got on his winter gear and decided to join the scenery.

Charlie had been walking for a while and had completely forgotten about having no reception or television. He reached a frozen over lake. He thought about how he should try ice fishing out. After the couple images of epic failure he caught eye of a girl with long dirty blonde hair that looked as if it had been attempted to be pulled back into a quick pony tail. She was wearing a semi-thick hooded black jacket with some horribly thin looking pants that did not look as if they could help her petite body with stand this cold mountain winter as well as her hikers boots seemed they would. In her fingerless gloved hands was a large camera. She had seemed to be trying to get as close as she could to get a good shot of the animal on the ice. It was a fox. Not just any kind of fox a white fox. That is probably why he didn't notice it before. It blended to well with the surroundings.

Charlie studied her a bit longer 'til she looked to have staggered a bit.

“Be careful!” He called to her. He hadn't meant to it was just a reaction. You know when you see someone doing something that isn't completely safe you just feel like you should tell them to be extra careful.

Unfortunately, this startled Valerie and made her fall forward on the ice. The ice was not very thick where she had been standing so when she fell she fell right through. Camera and all.

Charlie rushed over to her. She bobbed up and down in the water. To cold to move. Charlie pulled her out and wrapped his jacket around her carrying her back to the cabin.

“I am so sorry! If I would've known that would happen. Here let me get you a change of clothes.” Charlie said covering her with a blanket that had been hanging over the couch.

Falling With SnowflakesWhere stories live. Discover now