Making Plans-2

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Meme's POV

Prince:I wanna take you out tonight

Me:What if I don't want to go out tonight?

Prince:You can drop the bad ass act your with me now babe

Me:*sighs*I just don't want to get caught.

Prince:We wont babe

Me:But if we do that's gonna give mrs.stank breath another reason not to like me

Prince:Mrs.stank breath really*smiling*

Me:Babe I know you smelt her breath it smelled like something crawled in her mouth and died 3 times!

Prince:*laughing*Why 3 times?

Me:Because saying 2wice wasn't enough

Prince:Alright babe but I can promise you we wont get caught

Me:I hope your right

Prince:So that's a yes?....

Me:Yes Afro Puff

Prince:Ok ma I see you*smirks and leaves*

Me:Should've stop while I was ahead

Bri's POV

Me&Romeo:I wanna ask you something


Me&Romeo:No you go first

Me&Romeo:No you

Me&Romeo:Ok stop that

Me&Romeo:I said stop!



Me:Ok Ok I wanted to know if you fancied going out tonight just us two

Romeo:Yea thats what I wanted to know I'll see you at 12:30 right here?

Me:Yep see ya then babe*kisses his cheek*

*With the girls*

Sorry its short more coming (;

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