Chp.4 Curious Kalel

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Kalel's POV:

I looked at the clock, 8:56 p.m it says. Anthony, Ian, and Melanie were having a loud conversation in the kitchen. Sarah went up stairs with her mom. I was curious, so I peeked behind the wooden table right in front of me. "so how are things going with Kalel?" I hear Ian ask Anthony. "fine. it's just that I think she feels weird about something. I can see it in her eyes." Anthony says, "I don't want her to feel uncomfortable". I actually smiled a bit and continued to listen. "hey. she might feel uncomfortable about having a daughter one day or another." I hear Ian say. Of course I want to have a daughter, just only in a few years possibly. "dude, I'm sure it's only a joke." Anthony answers, "if things got worse, then me and all of us will go find out ourselves". I had to act fast, truth is I am worried if I'm Sarah's real mother instead if hers. What if Anthony starts to question me! S***! one mystery keeps coming to another..

   Ian's POV:

      I  see Kalel peeking behind a table near the kitchen. Is she spying on us?! "Anthony." I whisper to anthony. "why are you whispering?" he asks. "Kalel. She was looking at us! I think she's spying on us." "what? where is she?" I look to my left and Kalel is gone. "dude, stop playing tricks on me." "I wasn't playing. You know me." Anthony nods and he actually leaves the kitchen to go find Kalel. I had a feeling that Kalel would be hiding if she was spying on us. "I can't find her! where is she!" Anthony shouts. "I don't know" I say. "chill, Anthony. She might be in the bathroom!" Melanie says. "your right.. but It's been a long time." Anthony replies. I see Sarah come down stairs, we have so much to ask her as well. "hey, Sarah." I say. "urm.. hey Ian. I was just in my room." she says. "you know.. you didn't show us the rest of your house yet. Can you do a tour for us?" I say while punching Anthony in the shoulder. "OW! dude!" he shouted. I whisper, "maybe sarah and Kalel are playing a little game of hide and seek. If you know what I mean.." "yeah! they might be hiding something!" he whispers back. "alright, I guess." Sarah says. We all walk up stairs, maybe Kalel is hiding something instead of Sarah.

   Anthony's POV:                                                                                                                                 

Ian really thinks that Kalel would be hiding in a corner and spy on us? WTF! We all go into Sarah's room to find out that Kalel is in there! Ian was right! "Kalel! what do you think your doing in my room!" Sarah shouts. In Kalel's hand, I see a diary that might be Sarah's. She really upset us all this time. "give me my diary you b****!" Sarah snatches the diary and looks at Kalel. "WHY WERE YOU IN MY DIARY!" Sarah cries. "I-I.. was worried that you might be my daughter.. I wanted to see if there was any clues in here.." Kalel cries. Sarah looks surprised now. "You really think so Kalel? I mean, my mom.. is not my mother?" Sarah says. "Well.. to be honest, your mom was acting strange about my mother's name. I guess we have a family trait there.." Kalel explains. I look at her, and think why she still did that. I couldn't make her feel upset once again. "Kalel, if you really think sarah's part of your family. We need more clues then that." I speak. "Your right, Anthony. Ian, do you have Kelly's number?" Kalel asks Ian for her friend Kelly's phone number and calls her over to Sarah's house. We all hear a Knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Kalel shouts. It's Kelly. "hey, Kelly!" she says. "Hi!" Kelly answers. "your really good With DNA, right?" "extremely good with it. Why you ask?" "I think sarah might be apart of my family, and I don't mean my sister or cousin." "wtf? your daughter! alright.. urm.. I'll take a look.." Kelly finishes and starts pulling out a set of DNA testing tools.

   YAY! something exciting to look foward into a chapter ^o^ WE ARE ALMOST HERE TO CHAPTER 5!! ANYWAYS.. byeeee <3

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