Daddy's girl

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Karen's POV-

I woke up dezzi from what looked like a peaceful sleep cause she was alf out the bed."come wake up baby" I she groned and looked up at me and smiled with her big brown eyes."Otway mommy" she said in a sleepy voic sounding like Jacob."ok go get in the shower so I can Take you to school" I spoke.He sighed in went to the bathroom and showered for like forever.When She Came Out Her Hair Went From One Fish Tail Braid To A Full Afro Like Jacob's..I Just Did Her Hair LastNight.."Um Come On So I Can Do You Hair Baby" I said."No Mom I want My hair like daddy's"Destiny Yelled while pouting."FIne well put on a head band Then" I said giving in". "ok momy" and with that she skipped to her room to get dressed (External Link Duh). When she came out no lie she looked very cute so I just had to take some pictures like she was adorable.she slicked down her edges making them smooth and she put on her hello kitty head-band and she had on her little nerd hello kitty glasses. and little bag she was adorable.But anyways I drove her to school the whole way there all we listened to was Brightside cause her daddy was singing in it like everytime he sang she did the same.We finally made it to her school I got out and walked over to her door and opened as she grabbed her bag and unbulcked herself from her seat and jumped down.I have a Rangerover so she cant really just step out. I walked her to her class singhed in "Ok swetty dont play to rought cause your arm is still broken" I said as I kneeled down to her."Ok moomy I wont I love you" she said as she kissed my cheek and ran away I was about to leave until her Teacher stopped me.."Um Ms.Perez" She asked.."Yes is there a promble" I spoje turning around."Oh No I just wanted to give you Destiny's Report card" she said handing me destiny's report card."Oh Thank you" I said.She nodded and walked back in the class room. When I got in the car I started it up but I stopped in read her ReportCard..

It Read:

Name: Destiny Perez
Stundent ID: 312111801-26
Reading: B+
Math: A+
Science: A+
Writing: B+
Social Studies: A-
Grammer: A
Spelling: B+
P.E: A+

"Wow she's very smart I think Ima go show Jacob' I said to My self.I drove to his and knocked on the door and Roc answered."Um Is Prince here" I asked roc."Um No he left about 30 minutes ago" He said."Oh ok tell him I came by please" I spoke."I will" he said and with that he closed the door.And since Dezzi was doing good in school I decied to buy her somting. I went to the aplle store to But her an IPad Mini.I went to Footlocker and bought her three new pairs of Jordans and some running shoes.I went and bought her a MISFIT's Hat that I thought was cute. I bought her some new clothes and I bought her some Diomand earings,and some chanel gold earings and some ray bands and a necklace.And before I knew it.It was time to pick her up putiing the stuff in the back seat knowing she was going to asked about it.I pulled up at her school and walked in her class room and she saw me and ran to me hugging my legs."Mwommyyyy" Destiny screamed in extiment."Hi baby" I said picking her up sighing her out."You got everything" I asked walking to the car palcing her in her seat."Ywes mommy" she said looking over at all the bags in the seat.while I got in the front seat."Mwomy what's all this stwuffy" She Asked."I looked in the mirror at her as she kept looking at the bag's."Oh they sre for you" I said looking back at the road."Yaayay" I she grabbing the Apple back and pulling out her IPad and smiling really hard she opened it and set it and what ot. Then she went in the footlocker bag and looked at her shoes."Twhank you mommy" She said puting her shoes back in the box. "Your welcome baby"..We finally made it home and I opened the door and she slid out the car dragging her back with her.I chuckled and closed the door and took a picture of her. It was funny how she was walking like she threw the bag's over her shoulder and had her hand on the hips and did her model walk it was cute..I walked up to the door opening it as Destiny ran up to her room I gues puting her stuff away.I heard a soft knock at the door.'Who knocks that d-mn soft' I thought to my self as I opened the door gasping seeing prince beaten up on my proch."OMG Prince" I simi-yelled pulling him inside and placing him on the couch and cleaning him up.I looked at his cut as he clinged at me as I aplied the water to wipe the blood up.I was about to do it agian but prince stopped me by grabbing my wist."what"  asked looking him in the eyes."That really hurts" He he spoke in a soft voice."Sorry" I said as I kissed his forhead and geting up off the floor and walked to the bathroom puting away the rag.I walked back down prince kind of sat up. He had a busted lip and cuts by his eyes and He looked like he was in pain.So I sat at the end of the couch as he laided his haed on my lap. As I Played with his curls."Dwady" Destiny screamed running down stairs with her IPad In her arms as she jumped on princeton's lap hugging him."Hi baby girl" Prince said siting up hugging her."Look at my new IPad mommy bought me".."Oh it's nice" He spoke..

Prince's POV-
Destiny ran to me and showed me her Ipda and It was really cute how she was snuggled on my chest showing me her IPad. I Lock screen was a Picture of me and her password is I.Love.Daddy. I was cute how she whispered in my ear and told me it. then her background was a picture of me.She went threw her pictures and they were alot of her,Karen,Me,Roc,Ray and Prod and some little boy."who's who's that" I asked pointing to the little boy."Oh that's Deondre" she said."You like him" I asked."she Bulsed just like her Mother and spoke."Yes".."OK now better not be kissing him" I said ticling her."Daddy Im Not" I laughed."Better not" I said as I stopped tickling her. And she ran back up to her room. "Who did this do you Jacob" Karen asked."I got into a fight" I said lieing. I didnt want to tell her what really happend."Oh Im guessing you lost" She spoke."I guess you could say that"....I was basicly borning after that so Karen went to sleep destiny ended up sleeping on my lap so I picked her up caried her to her room.Wow she has a really pretty room. after I tucked her in I founf a blanket and I put it over Karen and left..

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