The Final step

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Nova moved over to Sam. Leaning in to say something that was probably unimportant to Sam but he let her, knowing nothing was going to stop her from saying what ever she wanted.
"You should go dance!" She shouted over the up beet of the music playing.
"Why? You know I hate dancing!" Sam shouts back.
Nova moves closer to him so shouting would be lowered to a normal volume
"Beth is dancing." She pointed to Sam's girlfriend, the one with bright golden hair and wearing a dark blue sleeveless dress that reached to her knees and huged her upper torso and was loss from there.
"You're the one who asked her to go, so go dance."
"What about Tony? Arnt you going to dance with him, I mean you are his girlfriend and all so..." Sam said. Nova only laughed and peers back to see the tall skiny boy behind her. "Oh, don't worry, we'll dance - that is if you dance"
"Are you guys just going to sit there while ever one else if having a blast?!" Beth came strutting over to the group. She was covered in sweat and her makeup was starting to collection in the crease of her eye lid, but even then Sam or anyone for that matter seemed to notice or care her imperfect look at the moment.
"Common!" She reach her hand out to Sam. "Can't we have a small celebration for finally getting the blood revenge off our backs? Look, there's nothing wrong, no lighting blasting girl or shock wave guy here." Sam only shook his head, "Thank god for that!" Every one laughed.
"Let's go!" Nova jumped out of her seat and in to the crowd of teens jumping up and down to the music. Tony flashed right in front of her and joined her in her dancing.
"Common stubborn men." Beth pulled Sam to herself, grabbed his hand and dashed to the middle of the crowd. She started dancing and singing along with everyone one else. Sam just stood there, a huge grinn on his face, amused by how Beth is trying to get him to join her. "Dance!" She shouted, Sam did as he was told and slowly began to move himself with her.
"There you go!"
Even though Sam hated to dance he couldn't help but let himself let loose and enjoy himself.
They were free from the wrath of the blood revenge, no more hiding, or trying to keep there family from being captured or killed, or trying to keep themselves from being killed. Freedom, no more working to keep citizens from being killed even though there is more than likely chance of someone dying in a battle.
Everyone was more than happy to have this moment a their own.
Five songs had past before Sam started to hear his name being shouted over and over, getting closer and closer.
"Sam!" It was Nova, she could be barely seen by Sam but he could tell there was something wrong, worry was very present in her voice. She finally pushed her way through but before she could say any word of caution a shriek blasted through the gym, he turned to see Beth, eyes wild with confusion and fear with a boy in front of her, the one boy that non of them ever wanted to see again. Rick Cōl, the boy who had the ability to make a shock wave so strong it could destroy a 100 story building collapse.
"No!" Screamed Nova but it was too late.
Every one was pushed back by the sheer force of energy and the roof of the gym collapsed in, dropping hundreds of pounds on top those who where unlikely enough.
Moments past when Sam gathered himself from the blast. He could hear people screaming and crying but could see nothing other than darkness and dust.
"Nova!" He shouted, there was no reply, "Tony!" Still no reply, then fear struck him, "BETH!"
He began to scrambling around, shouting out for Beth, desperately hoping that she would answer his calls. A faint sound of sirens grow louder every second.
The dust started to settle as with it his sight was returning as well.
Not to soon after the dust settled, Sam could see a body that managed to not be covered by ruble, it wasn't just a body it was Beth.
He rushed over to her, hoping, praying she was okay.
"Beth!" He kneeled down next to her and held her over his lap. "Beth? Common, your okay, its okay." She was limp, and no breath could be heard.
"Sam!" Nova was faint I the distance but he could tell it was her. She quickly dashed over to him, stopping two feet away from him. She smacked her hands over her mouth, tears were forming in the corner of her eyes. Nova stepped back, afraid to know the truth.
"No." She whispered.
Sam looks down to this sleeping beauty in his arms.
"Beth, please, don't do this. Beth?" Pain swelling in him he couldn't hold it back.
"No! Beth! I'm so sorry!" He sobbed, he leaned in and hugs her closely. "I'm sorry." Was all he could say.

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