Pineapple Meat and Angry Kitties

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Alice's Point of View

I was nervously pacing back and forth. Would my Rasqui bring what I needed? Would it be enough for Dutch? Ugh. Pineapples. I pressed the YouTube button on my head out of habit, and routinely searched for exclamationpointyt. Paul, and especially Danny could always calm me down. While it was loading, I heard the electronic scam fom the Rasqui. Pineapples. I pressed the YouTube bhputton again, closing the YouTube loading screen and showing me reality. My Rasqui lands with a loud thump next to me. It dropps what has in its claws, then sits down and sticks out his tongue. He wags his tail and toungue back and forth. Oh, here you great oof! I think to him. I grab a slab of pineapple meat from a bag nearby. Pineapple meat is just a huge slab of raw meat cut into the shape of a pineapple, and chunks of pineapple are inserted into the meat. "Rasqui!", he says. into my head. I tossed the meat at him, and he jumps up, catches it in the air, turns around and flew away in one swift movement. Tsk tsk, Arsenial, I think. He's supposed to eat it in front of me, so I can stare at him awkwardly in awe. I'm weird. I turn to my new Captive + snow leopard. Both are knocked out, unconscious. I drag the leopard to a big cage that's normally for the rasqui, but he doesn't like it. I put a piece of pineapple meat in the cage with it, for when it wakes up. Animals are YASSS. Humans are eh. I walk back over to the boy, who is just waking up. "WHATS YOUR NAME BOIII?!" I scream into his head dramatically. "Um. Um. Um. PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" the boy wails. Ugh. I grab him by his arms and drag him over to my other two captives. I chain the boy to Sarah, some random kid that apparently ticked off Dutch. I glance over at the other one, Elise. She is part of whatever Dutch's batshit crazy plan is, like this boy I'm dragging is. Once he's chained up, I begin marching over to Dutch. Too late. She then screams her usual announcement of "agh! Alice! Get over here so you can terrorize some poor innocent kid!" However, this time the message was, "ALICE! GET OVER HERE NOW! YOU BETTER HAVE ANOTHER ONE OF THEM CHAINED UP!" Dutch screams at me. Ugh, coming, I think back. And I begin the 972327931693411961386186648116916914 mile hike over to her cabin.

When I get there, Dutch looks as stressed as usual. Her long, thick, matted hair is tied up in a lumpy pony tail on her head. Her ragged clothes are still as torn as they usually are. Her eyes have a crazyed look in them, but if you look down deep there's a hint of scaredness. When she realizes I'm there, she turns her head sharply to face me. "There's only two left! Go leave a trail for them to follow! If the humans don't catch the trail, the Jaguar surely will. GO!" She screams in my head. "Ugh, but I have to be where I leave the trail. It would take soooo long to have to walk that far. Plus they might see me." I say back. It's kinda awkward cause you know were both talking to each other in our heads but in reality were just staring at earxh other. I wish she would talk out loud, so it wasnt so pineapply. "Thats your own fault for leading them so far off the trail- your rasqui. If your gunna make him do your dirty work, make sure he does it right." Ugh. Stupid pies. I begin trotting down the way to the two kids, my metal legs clanking together as I go.

I'm less than 10 feet away from them. I can hear them chatting, and the fierce grumbling from the cats. Now I'm in sneaky sneak mode. I tip-toe years them, careful to make no clanking or squeaking sounds. 7 feet... 5 feet... 4 feet... I stop. How am I gonna make this trail without them seeing?! Less than four feet away, I hear a shape turn to face me. The girls stop chatting. There is a long silence, and then I can hear the big shape suddenly start running straight in my direction. Shit. The Jaguar.

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