Twenty One

72 6 1

Okay TØP is life// if you haven't heard of them listen to their music
Dan's POV
I pulled away from Phil's hug.

"You what?"

"I do." He smiled.

"But I don't have the ring."

"I don't care." He rolled his eyes. He leaned in and gave me a peck on my lips. "I love you." Phil whispered.

"I love you." I whispered back.

I put my arms around Phil's waist, and I pulled him closer to me for a hug.


"Yeah Dan?"

I hesitated before saying: "Lets go home."

"But you need to stay for Dr. Lewis." He pulled away.

"I feel fine. Please I just don't wanna be here anymore." I whined.

He laughed. "Okay Dan."

He let go of me and started to walk to the front desk.

I walked beside him tempting to hold his hand or not.

I didn't though. We walked beside each other and I smiled to myself.

We made it to the front desk and found PJ.

"Hey Peej!" Phil hugged PJ.

"Hi Phil. What do you need?"

"Actually. Dan and I want to go home. Can I check him out?" Phil smiled.

"Sure." PJ turned around and he looked through papers. "Here." He handed me a clipboard with papers. "Ya need to sign these, some papers are for Phil too."

"Thanks PJ." I sat down on a chair waiting for Phil to come sit next to me, but he was still talking to PJ. Jealousy took over me. Phil was smiling when he was talking to him.

"Phil?" I called him out. He turned around and smiled at me.

He came my way and sat down next to me. "Whats up babe?"

"Just wanted to ask if you told him about the proposal." I asked pointing at PJ.

He shook his head. "Not ready to tell just anyone Dan."

I nodded. I kept my attention on the paper again. It took me over 30 minutes to finish.

"Here." I handed PJ my papers along with Phil's.

He took the papers and scanned through them.

"I guess you can go now." He smiled.

"Okay thanks PJ... see you later." I turned my heel and walked away. I stopped to see Phil in front of me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing.. can I just say bye to a friend I met?" He asked. He looked pretty sad so I nodded.

"Thanks." He kissed my lips and left.

"Ill wait for you here!" I yelled. I saw him wave as he ran to the elevator. I sat down slouched on the chair.

"I miss him already." I talked to my self.

Phil's POV

I ran to the elevator. I need to say goodbye to James. I will miss him. I wonder where his family is?

"Hey Phil!"

I turned around to see James standing in the elevator.

"James! I came to say goodbye." Once I said that he frowned.

"Oh." He said.

"Where are your parents?" I asked him.

James suddenly burst into tears. He left me worried and concerned.

"T-they died. In the c-car crash. Now I have no family with me." He cried more.

"No grandmas or grandpas?" I asked him. I knelt down to see his face and he shook his head.

"Nobody." He whispered.

Then it hit me. I got a great idea.

"Are you up for adoption?" I asked James.

He nodded slowly before realizing why I asked.

"C-can you adopt me!?" He squealed happily.

"Well... I need to ask Dan first. Then a lot of paper work, but I'm sure I can . I really hope I can. I like you a lot James."

"Me too Phil." He smiled.

"Let me go ask Daniel. Wanna come with me?"

James nodded excitedly.

I forgot we were in the elevator. We stopped on floor three. The door was about to close when a familiar man came inside.

James looked scared at the big guy. He hid behind me in fear.

"Phil?" he whispered.

I knelt down again to speak with him.

"T-thats Dan's dad." I widened my eyes when I realized James was right.

I tapped the man on the shoulder. "Excuse me?" I said. The man turned around, and when he did I punched him in the face. He fell to the floor.

"I knocked him out? Wow that was easy." I smiled.

The elevator rang when it stopped on the floor I was with Dan.

I saw Dan wave at me and I did the same.

I walked over to him and hugged him tightly.



"You know how you wanted to adopt a kid?" I asked. He nodded slowly before I continued.

"Well, this is James. He helped me realize that I needed to forgive you."

Dan looked next to me and smiled. He got back up and said softly, "He looks like Dil."

I nodded in agreement. He does doesn't he? I thought to myself.

"So can we adopt him?" I asked.

"Yes we can, but it will be a lot of paper work." Dan pointed out.

"Yay! I have a family again!" James yelled.

That's when I frowned. Again? What happens if he gets bullied for having two dads?

"Phil?" James also frowned. "What's wrong? You don't want me?" Tears started to form in his eyes.

"Hey. Of course not. I was just thinking that you have to call us dad now." I lied. Sort of.

"Oh.. I call you daddy!" He tried jumping. He turned around to face Dan.

"And you dad!"

I laughed along with Dan.

"So where do we sign?" Dan asked.

Sad/ happy chapter! I'm sorry they're always short! but you got something no? Also I'm taking a break for a while. I have a problem and I kinda feel depressed. please vote and comment what you thought. Don't forget to follow!

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