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I will post Reitanna Sheishin video of muffins if you want to hear her Voice acting in the characters

Pinkie Pie was in her cellar beneath the bakery, waiting for her victim to wake up. It had been about two weeks since she had killed Rainbow Dash, and so far no other close friends have had their number drawn. Currenly strapped to the table was Candy Mane, but she was still passed out from the drugged cupcake Pinkie had given her.

Suddenly, there was the sound of the cellar door opening and a rapid sound of heavy hoof steps. Pinkie Pie turned around quickly, frightened; she wasn't sure if she could do two ponies at once. The pony tripped on the last stair and landed on the floor with an "oof!" She looked up, her crossed yellow eyes looking over at Pinkie Pie.

"Hi Pinkie!" said Derpy happily. Pinkie Pie was a little nervous, but she knew she could handle it.

"Hey Derpy," she said with a smile. "Did you need something?"

"You weren't up there so I came looking for you!" said the grey pegasus. "I wanted to ask if you could make some muffins!" Pinkie looked at Candy Mane to see her stirring.

"Well, I was planning on making cupcakes today... but..." She paused, thinking.

She knew Derpy wasn't stupid, persay, but she wasn't exactly like the other ponies. She seemed to be a bit mentally challenged, but she was sweet nonetheless. Pinkie didn't want to take advantage of Derpy's childlike mind, but she was having an idea that might actually be good...

"Derpy," said Pinkie Pie with her usual bright smile. "Wanna help me make your muffins?"
"Oh yes! Yes!" said Derpy, bouncing up and down.

"Okay, but you gotta promise me something," said Pinkie.

"Anything!" Derpy replied.

"Don't tell anypony about my secret ingredient." "What's your secret ingredient?" Then, as if on cue, Candy Mane became fully conscious.

"W... where am I...?" she said drearily. Pinkie Pie led Derpy to the table.

"Well, you see, everypony in Ponyville has a number, and when that number is drawn, I go get the pony," she explained. Candy Mane struggled against her bindings, but was listening to the conversation instead of inquiring about her capture.

"So everypony has your secret ingredient?" asked Derpy.

"Yes," said Pinkie. "But we need to get it out of them first! But baking is fun, so we play a little bit before harvesting!" "Hey, what's going on?" Candy Mane said loudly, and the two other ponies looked at her. "Why am I tied up? What do you mean harvesting?!" Pinkie giggled, unable to contain her excitment.

"Candy, today is a special day for you!" squeaked Pinkie Pie, and Derpy began to giggle with anticipation, excited about this new event. "You're gonna help me and Derpy make muffins! We were gonna make cupcakes, but Derpy likes muffins better, don't you Derpy?"

"I do! I do!" said Derpy, hopping again.
"How can I help if I'm tied up?" asked Candy Mane with an angry expression.

"Oh, that's the most important part!" said Pinkie Pie happily. "We need you to stay still!" Candy Mane started looking around the room. Pinkie's party decorations were pony inards and hide, and there were brightly painted pony skulls on shelves and in the center of a table.

"LIFE IS A PARTY!" was written on a banner in what looked like dried blood. Then... she noticed the texadermied Rainbow Dash.

"What the hell is going on?!?" Candy screamed, which made Derpy flinch.
"Pinkie, I don't think she wants to be here," she said a little shakily.

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