Derpy's First Project

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I couldn't fined the video for This story but if you want to hear her Voice go on YouTube it's there sorry


Derpy was trembling slightly as she attempted to clean off a scalpel in the dirty sink. She was in the basement below Sugarcube Corner, and was very nervous as she waited for her guest to wake up. Her shaking hooves accidentally caused her to drop the scalpel.

"Ooh," she said nervously. "Oooooh..." She picked it up again, and then fluttered over to a sort of rickity opperating chair. As Derpy set her scalpel on a little metal table, the pony in the chair started to stir. She had a raspberry colored mane and tail, her hide was pale yellow, and her cutie mark was a single rose. Derpy watched her, biting her lip.

"Wha..." said Roseluck, her eyes out of focus. Once she opened her eyes completely, she looked around quickly. "Wh... where am I?" Derpy took a step forward.

"Hello!" she said with a shy smile, her voice cracking. "My... my name is Derpy, and you're going to... to..." She furrowed her brow and took an index card from beneath her wing, reading it. "You're going to... help me... make... muff... ins..." She gasped with a wide smile. "Muffins!" Dropping the card, she danced on the spot, and then became a little shy again.

"Muffins?" Roseluck said, and she tried to get out of the chair. She realized she was strapped down. "H-hey! Why am I tied to this chair?!"

"Well, Pinkie Pie says you need to be tied up or else you'd run away, and then I won't have muffins. I really like muffins." Derpy started looking at all her tools she had to work with. "Pinkie Pie and Apple Bloom like making cupcakes, but I'd rather eat muffins."

"Why do you need me to make muffins?" asked Roseluck timidly.

"Pinkie Pie told me to pick a number out of a jar, and your number came up," Derpy explained, her shaking hoof knocking a knife to the floor. "Oops! Oh no..."

"Derpy, what do you mean 'number?' I still don't understand!"

"You have the special ingredient I need," Derpy replied, picking the knife back up. "You're my first pony though, so I'm a little nervish. Please don't be mad at me if I mess up." Roseluck began yelling for someone to help her, but no pony did. "Oh, don't yell! It makes me more nervish!"

"Do you even know what you're doing, you retard?!" Roseluck shouted, and Derpy flinched, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm going to start now," she said softly, and picked up her scalpel. Roseluck struggled, but her efforts were wasted as Derpy carved a messy circle around her cutie mark. Roseluck screamed and started sobbing.

"Stop! STOP!!" Derpy whimpered, her hoof jerking and accidentally cutting through the stem of Roseluck's mark.

"Pinkie Pie!!" she wailed, starting to cry as well. She sat down and covered her eyes, sniffeling and curling her wings around her. Pinkie Pie suddenly came gallaping down the stairs, her eyes wide with worry.

"Derpy!" she exclaimed, running to her and kneeling down. Derpy's crossed yellow eyes tried to focus on Pinkie as they swam with tears. "Derpy, what happened?"

"I..." gasped Derpy, sobbing. "I... d-did... it... wr-wrong...! I m-messed up!!" Pinkie Pie turned and saw the split cutie mark. She smiled and faced Derpy again, stroking her mane.

"It's fine, Derpy!" she cooed. "It's your first time! No one's perfect!"

"B-but I w-wanted to d-do it on m-m-my own this t-time!!" Derpy wailed.

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