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You tossed and turned through the night, worrying about the unknown stalker.

Your mind kept thinking about all of the negative things.

You got up and looked at the clock beside Dans bed.


"What the hell, it's too early in the morning." You mumbled to yourself.

You looked at Dan through the darkness of the room. A single stray of light casting down on him from the street lamp outside.

You glanced out of the window, then pulled down the blinds.

You moved closer to Dan and put your arm across his chest. He instinctively wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer.

You then finally drifted off into a deep, deep sleep.


Your eyes opened. Trying to get used to the unexpected brightness.

"Dan?" You whispered.

No response.

A single light hung above you.

You studied where you were.

You were in a chair, with your arms shackled down to the arms of it and your feet shackled to the bottom of the chair.

Your heart started to race.

While your mind was running 100 miles an hour, trying to figure out where you were and how you got there.

Your legs had big brown, purplish bruises on them. 

"What the fuck..." You mumbled to yourself, your voice sounding hoarse.

Then..... you suddenly heard footsteps coming to this odd, blank room.

You started panicking.

"Who the hell is gonna come in here?!" You thought to yourself.

Instinctively, you tried to pull your arms off of the shackles trying to break free.

Your eyes started to fill with tears.

The door to the room opened with a loud, eerie creak.

Then you heard it close...


Then, for a minute...there was complete silence.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we got here..."  A low voice said from behind you, whispering in your ear.


"(Y/n)! Wake up!!"

"AHHH" you screamed, sitting straight up from the bed.

"What the hell, (y/n) are you okay?!" Dan asked you with a worried expression.

"Y-yea, just a r-really bad dream." You replied.

Without even noticing it, you started bawling.

You could literally feel the person from your dreams hot breath still on your ear...

"There, there (y/n), it was only a dream. It's okay. Your safe." Dan said to me, making me calm myself down.

He leaned back down on the bed, bringing you with him.

You turned on your side, and he snaked his arms around your waist. Holding you close as you tried to relax.

Just as you were falling back asleep, you heard Dan say, "I will always keep you safe, (y/n). I love you...."

But yet again, your mind kept on racing. Even while you were asleep.

What if something happens to (y/b/f)? Or Phil?

Or especially....Dan


Hey guys! Sorry it has taken me such a long time. But hey, I'm back now! Sorry that this is a really short chapter, but I'm going to be working on longer chapters after this. And thank you all for reading this! It means so much!!  Stay tuned!

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